Heartsupport i wanna die bc i have no one by my si

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to N/A by Bring Me The Horizon
@heartsupport I wanna die bc I have no one by my side anymore and I’m just done with everything

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We are so glad you reached out. Feeling like you want to die is an overwhelming feeling that can consume us. Like we’re drowning and there’s no one in sight to save us. Feeling alone can make us wonder if it’s worth it to even try. But I promise you that it is worth it. YOU are so worth it. When I’ve experienced the suffocating pain of being alone and not having anyone who understands I couldn’t fathom it ever getting better. But I promise you it will. It might not be easy and it might not happen as quickly as we want, but when we start to open up like you’re doing here, that begins the process of healing. Slowly we see that there is light at the surface and when we make the decision to focus on swimming up and away from the darkness we start to realize we have courage and strength and purpose and worth. We are here to support you. Your life matters. Your story matters. YOU matter!

Thank you so much for being here and reaching out, especially as you are feeling like being at the end of your rope. It is absolutely heartbreaking to feel like there is no one in your life supporting you, no one truly knowing you and seeing you, seeing your pain and hearing your suffering. Not only there are struggles to fight against, but on top of it it feels like everyone and everything is fighting against you. That you are stuck in this deep loneliness and no out there is moving towards you. It’s such a hard place to be in, and I’m truly sorry that you’ve been experiencing this yourself.

For what it’s worth, I see you here, and I wholeheartedly believe that you have worth beyond who is by your side or not. You matter my friend, so very much, even if it’s really hard to see it right now. Dark thoughts have this way to filter our vision oftentimes, making us feel like we see things more clearly while in reality it is mingled with the pain we feel inside. Many times I have found myself where you are, feeling like I couldn’t bear anymore the utter loneliness I was feeling within. That I was just completely it, over me and over my life. Somehow, it is in those moments that we can learn, little by little, to be our very own allies in this crazy thing called life. By nurturing patience and compassion to ourselves, more than ever. By being the friend and presence we need the most, and to keep on giving ourselves a chance to see what is beyond all of the pain. There is more my friend. More than the loneliness, more than the hurt, more than what feels like endless suffering. I’m rooting for you. :heart:

@@HeartSupport thank you :heartpulse:this means a lot. Too bad I can’t meet someone like this in person. You matter to me too