Heartsupport i was gonna comment on the jelly roll

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Dear Alcohol by Dax
@heartsupport i was gonna comment on the jelly roll save me video before this but backed out. ive healed from addiction to weed in the past and ive been doing well for years. but recently i lost my job, now im 30 and back with my mom, and after a series of bad decisions i find myself struggling with addiction again. this time with cocaine. i know what needs to happen, but im too proud/ashamed to tell my support that im addicted and dealing with it by myself was never going to work out well. i guess this is more just to get it off my chest, have someone in the world know about it. would love some words of love and encouragement but as for advice, the problem has never been the knowledge of what to do. the problem is in the execution. love you all, hope youre happy.


Friend, I just want to reach out and show you some love. I promise I’m not here to dump advice on you, as you’ve stated it’s not a problem of what to do. I hear you and see you. I just want you to know I’m proud of you. Sometimes when we take a step that feels backward in our journey we see it as having to start over again.

In my mind I keep trying to remember it’s not starting from scratch, it’s starting from experience. You’ve carved a road out in front of you and maybe it’s been a side step, but you’ve conquered before.

I know that it’s hard to be open and to reach out for support, I know that shame can be such an undeserved and cruel burden. We feel it so much heavier on ourselves than anyone else ever could or would. We carry around the expected disappointment that we hold for others, when really it’s not our to hold. We feel we don’t deserve a second chance, but we also can’t allow how we feel about ourselves to dictate how others are allowed to feel about us.

You do deserve the love and grace that your support has for you. Remember it’s not you as a person any frustration is directed at. We know addiction is a disease and a cruel one at that. I know I’ve felt frustrated at myself or at a family member who’s struggled with addiction for the fact that I know we deserve better. For the fact that addiction exists and for what it does.

You are worthy of the journey and worthy of the love

Hey friend, thank you so much for sharing all of this. Here’s a voice reply for you: Heartsupport i was gonna comment on the jelly roll - Social Media / Support - YouTube - heartsupport - 2 August 2024 | Loom - you absolutely got this - we are rooting for you. :heart: