Heartsupport ive been watching your videos but hav

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Belongs to: Therapist wishes you were here. (Pink Floyd)
@heartsupport. I’ve been watching your videos but have been hesitant to reach out. I am 64 y/o man going thru a seperation/divorce after 32 years of marriage. I am “stuck”. Don’t want to do anything to improve my situation. I have no one to talk to. If there is someone I could talk to, it would help. Thank you for what you’re doing.


Hey friend. Thanks so much for the support on the videos. Wow I can’t even imagine how hard that must be. After 32 years you’ve been together for half as long as you’ve been alive. I’m sure there I so much grief there. And because you’ve been together so long it feels impossible escape because EVERYTHING reminds you of them. They are linked to all your routines they are a part of your habits. It makes sense that you would feel stuck and that you wouldn’t want to do any of the things that you know would help you move forward because that would require you to accept what happened and that would fully open the floodgates on grief. It makes so much sense to me. Man I feel this. Breakups are so hard and impact every aspect of your life and mental health. You did do something today that is a step toward healing and that is something. Don’t discount the steps you are taking and keep taking them. Love you. - taylor Palmby