Heartsupport ive never actually been in a relation

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Happy? by Mudvayne
@heartsupport I’ve never actually been in a relationship that left me feeling like this, but where I work now makes me question it every day. With their gaslighting, with their not proper tools with their shitty management and with so much more about this environment. They expect me to do and do and do, which I understand it is a business but if I tell you I’ve never done something then that’s the truth.


How incredibly frustrating! Being in a work environment where people just push you and dismiss you is exhausting mentally, physically and emotionally. It’s like they want one person to do the work load of 5 and when people get burnt out and stressed they are “surprised” and react in a way that excuses themselves from any blame. “You did this to yourself” kind of attitude.

Sacrificing so much for a job is something so many people experience because they have to work, they have to earn money and even then it’s a struggle to make ends meet, so basically you’re forced into bending over backwards.
They make it seem like you’re not caring enough about your work if you don’t keep up the same level of pace.

I’ve always believed that management should be working for their employees. They are meant to be there to ensure our safety and well-being. They are meant to be there to ensure that we have the correct environment to accomplish our workload in the least stressful way possible.
Really wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could interview them? Has anyone approached management or Hr to hold a meeting about this and to actually discuss the team’s needs and how to meet them?

Sending you a lot of love today

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