Heartsupport my mother actually believed what her

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn
@heartsupport My mother actually believed what her husband, my sexual and physical abuser said for years, finally called me drunk to tell me she believes me and continues letting him abuse her to this day for 40 years :cry::cry::cry:


Oh and when he found out that I was speaking out he threatened to kill me if I didn’t shut up


Goodness, I’m so sorry that you’ve been through this. It must be awful to not only have endured the abuse, but then to also not have been protected and trusted as you should have been. Then to see how your mom is stuck in a spiral herself, now aware of the situation and how hurtful it is too. It’s like the wounds you’ve been carrying for so long are just constantly reactivated and you’re never allowed to take a break… Like salt is being put on it over and over. Being in the midst of this must feel so very conflicting, between your relation with your mom and being on your own road towards healing.

I know you didn’t choose any of this, you didn’t ask to face those battles, although I want to emphasize how much you’ve been brave for speaking up, for using your voice as you deserved to be heard. In the past but also right here and now. There is a fire of resilience within you and I’m so damn proud of you for naming what happened, pushing any toxic shame away, and through it asserting your worth. You never deserved to deal with all of this crap nor to deal with the consequences of it. Dealing with complex PTSD myself, my heart truly goes out to you.

You have worth and value in this world. I believe you and hope with all my heart that your mom will explore a way out of the abuse. You matter so very much. Take care of your heart :heart:.

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Hello and thank you for sharing your post. I made a short video response to offer my support. Heartsupport my mother actually believed...Response | Loom

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