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Belongs to: https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/39188
@heartsupport my prior best friend who is a narcissist and hurts me w broken promises, lies, and the silent treatment… lots of fun…


Broken promises, lies, and the silent treatment - geez, what a knot of relational turmoil.

Breaks your trust in them, in others. Makes you doubt yourself even - am I too trusting? Is there something wrong with me that would fall for things so easily? Should I start putting this wall up between me and other people and what they say and not taking them at their word?

And the silent treatment is honestly just like pulling your hair out - it’s like obviously this person is looking for attention if they’re doing all of the other shenanigans, and then you try to engage, and then they ghost you.

It feels really hard to follow - you obviously loved this person - they were your best friend. But it’s like relational whiplash, and it’s hard to let your heart be vulnerable when there’s so much shifting sand.

And when you get hurt over and over and over and see the death of a relationship you love - it makes it really hard to forgive. It feels like their carelessness destroyed something that meant so much to you. It’s hard to feel like they deserve forgiveness because your hurt hasn’t been acknowledge. And it still means you lost your best friend. Hard to repair, hard to forgive.