Heartsupport-my-son-adam-he-was-my-light-my-laught - 2690

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Belongs to: What loss are you struggling with?
heartsupport , My son, Adam. He was my light, my laughter, my song, my best friend and my concert buddy! I totally feel the isolation. I continue to go to festivals because this community understands more than any other my loss, my pain and it’s where I feel closest to him!


I’m sorry for your loss. I think the festivals are a good idea.

Oh friend, the isolation must have felt so strong. I can’t begin to imagine the pain you’ve been through every since Adam is not in this world anymore. The last thing you would expect as a parent is to carry on in your life without your child. It’s just not how it should be. I have personally seen through my parents, years ago, the depth of their pain after losing my brother. I’ll never forget how much my mom’s crying was unlike anything I’d ever heard before. Words are not enough, and my heart truly goes out to you right now.

It is particularly beautiful to hear how you have been continuing to go to festivals, both as a way to feel close to him, and to allow yourself to feel all that you need. He is without any doubt with you when you go there, and the affection you carry on with you right now is such a strong testimony of love. I wish for many other festivals for you - even if the joy of the moment could be met with tears. -, for many people to meet and who you would tell about Adam and how much of a light he was to you, and for pursuing in your life in ways that honors both of you. Sending hugs your way. :heart: