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Thank you for sharing!
Loneliness is a great struggle even when you know you have people close in your life. You recognize that looking for a significant other to solve your loneliness may not be the best option for you right now. It takes great strength to recognize that something you want may not work for the time being.
Dealing with that loneliness feels isolating at times, and not feeling like you’re able to make the kinds of connections you would like can feel disempowering.
If you are looking for a way to form new connections that might be less stressful than the dating scene, I’ve found that there are a couple of ways to help you feel less alone and build connections to others if you’re up for it. First is to find a hobby that helps you meet new people: community classes to learn a new skill or finding an existing group that does something you are already interested in. Second, there can be innumerable service opportunities that you can find, and you can make connections with the people you serve as well as the people you serve with. If these tips aren’t quite what you’re looking for, it’s okay to disregard them.
Remember that you are loved, and you don’t have to feel alone when you’re connected to HeartSupport. Hold Fast!


Thank you for sharing what you have learned.