Heartsupport this slipknot song is so relatable fo

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Slipknot "The Devil In I"
@heartsupport, this Slipknot song is so relatable for me. it’s as if it was written about me. I’ve never felt i belonged anywhere. Even my own parents didn’t want me. After years of therapy, multiple stints in mental wards, numerous suicide attempts, self-harm, living depressed, drug and alcohol abuse, to the point even the doctor said if you dont stop youre going to die. To which i responded bahahaba!!! Dont you think maybe thats the point?!bla bla bla who cares, im not that devil anymore. Slipknot songs seem for me anyway to tell the story of my life from birth to present. Also SCREW YOU MOM!!! YOU NEVER LISTENED YOU NEVER CARED YOUR STUPID “FAMILY” NEVER ACCEPTED ME. IM GLAD YOU’RE DEAD NOW YOU CAN’T CAUSE ME ANYMORE MENTAL ANGUISH YOU ANT HURT ME ANYMORE. YOU ALWAYS TOLD ME I WAS THE DEVIL…NOW IM NOT THAT DEVIL ANYMORE FUCK YOU!!


Thank you so much for reaching out. I’m so sorry you’ve found yourself in a place where dying seems like the best option. I’m very happy that you haven’t resorted to that option and that you are here to talk about ll of this with us.

It’s okay to be angry about your past; that grief and pain can be so hard to let go of, but there is power in letting that burden go out of your hands. People may hurt you and put you down into depths you never imagined yourself in, but they can’t hold you there. You are not that devil and you are meant to be here. We care for you and know that the world is a better place with you in it. If you ever want to talk more, we are always here for you.

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Thank you for reaching out, it’s not easy to open up, and I recognize your courage to do so. Slipknot has helped me through a lot in my life. Finding ourselves, and where we belong can be a such a hard thing to do. We feel hopeless, and helpless seeming like we won’t find the right people, or the right reason to stick around, but I reassure you that your purpose here is significant. I’ve found all of my friends through metal, and I’ve found where I belong through the love and connection of music. I encourage you to keep your passion for metal. So many people love you and care for you. There is so much love to be shared, keep shining your light, and keep your head up :slight_smile:

Hey there!

First off I just want to say thank you for being so open with us here, we appreciate it and don’t take it for granted.

I am glad that this song can allow you to feel understood. I understand how hard it can be to feel accepted and understood. I too have found meaning and support in songs.

I am sorry for all you have had to go through in your life, you don’t deserve this pain, or to go through those things. Self harm is a struggle I also have, it is hard to see the good when a lot of what we know is bad. Something that has helped me personally in my self harm journey of recovery is something I learned from my therapist which is to wait it out- basically when you are in a stressful situation and want to use self harm to cope, you try to wait out your feelings and thoughts- don’t act on them… the thing with it is those feelings last for a certain amount of time, so if you can “wait it out” the urge to self harm may go away.

Depression is a thought struggle many people deal with. It is so tiring and painful. It’s something that no one deserves. Please know you are not alone in this, you are not alone in these struggles. There is help, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I know in those moments it is so hard to remind ourselves of these things, but I think it is very helpful to have some kind of reminder for yourself in these times, a reminder in a place you can go to and rely on in the moments of pain and sadness or intense emotion.

I personally do not have experience with alcohol and drug abuse but I can’t even begin to imagine how hard that must be. I do relate to the self harm, I believe it may be in the same way- it’s something you have known for a while that you can go to to make you feel something. Please know there are positive things you can do in these moments to feel something.

I hope that you have been able to find some assistance from these doctors you have seen, some better ways of coping. I hope they were understanding of what you went through and are going through.

I’m sorry that your family was not as caring as they should have been, you deserved and still deserve to be understood and accepted, and I am sorry that was not given to you in times when it was needed most.

Please know that this community is always here for you, to listen, to be a shoulder to lean on. You are not alone in these struggles you face, or these things you go through. There are people who will listen, and people who care. Sharing your story helps make people feel less alone, and I thank you so mu ch for sharing your journey here.

Take it slow friend.

With love,