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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Toxicity by System of a Down @HeartSupport, this song encapsulates how I have been feeling for the past 4-5 years. I’m 45, never married, no partner, no kids. I feel I have lost at living and to be honest, I’m not sure if I have the inner strength or energy or if I can even be bothered to get myself out of this situation. Every time I have tried to get myself to of the situation, every time I try to lift myself up, someone comes along and rips my feet out from under me.
Hi friend,
I want to start off by reminding you that there is no real way to “win” or “lose” in life; it is all very relative and unique to each person. Just because you do not have kids or a partner does not make you any less of a person than someone who has those things. I also want to say I am so proud of you for always trying to lift yourself up. That is all that matters. Keep trying, I believe in you. Make sure not to fall prey to all the pressures of society. You’re doing amazing.
Hi friend. I understand the feeling of hopelessness and despair can be strong at times. It’s important to remember that there is no one path to success. There is no timer, no scoreboard no rulebook and no referee. I am confident that you will find the strength to try new things and find the beauty in life. There are people twice your age that look back at age 45 and wish they could’ve started then. The best time to start is today. Sending love.
hey friend, that’s so cool that you found a deep connection in the music shared in this video. you are not alone in feeling these societal and personal pressures. something i’ve taken comfort in is that there is no blueprint or checkboxes to identify if someone won or loss at life. it’s understandable how you can feel exhausted by it all when things keep coming along and knocking you down. if these adjustments to your life will bring you happiness and ignite a new spark for life, i believe in you fully. even if you start slow to get to your goals, i know you’ve got this. and no matter the age, i can say with 100% certainty that you are not the only one in this world experiencing same thoughts, fears, and doubts! you deserve to love and be loved, never forget that.
Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable with us. I am sorry to hear that you are feeling stuck. I think there is an unrealistic time pressure to know what you want in life at such a young age. I want to remind you to be kind to yourself and know that what is meant for you is heading your way on YOUR timeline. There is no deadline or rush on life. You matter, and you can do anything you put your mind to. Good things tend to come our way when we are not looking and putting all of our energy into ourselves. Show yourself some love! I think finding a new hobby, exploring a new area, meeting new people, and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone are great places to start. There is not better time than right now. You’ve. got this. We believe in you, and we are here to support you. <3