Heartsupport this song reminded me of a time when

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@heartsupport This song reminded me of a time, when my darkside was taking over. It felt like the world arond me was lifeless and every time I was alone in my room, when I remembered everything good that happened in my life in the past 6 months, I started crying. These memories were connected to a person I’ve had a deep feeling for. And back when my darkness was trying to break me I couldn’t stand her existance, because before the dark times she told me to forget her. And there are no words that can desribe how much it hurt. Despite the fact that I realized the true meaning behind her words, I couldn’t ease the pain they caused. But she also said that she didn’t want to break my heart and these are the words in which I found one simple meaning: she truly cares. Someone truly cares about me. And this was a little piece of hope that I needed to rise from the ashes of my past very incsecure but so brave self.


I am truly impressed with your insight. You are processing grief while at the same time maintaining your compassion.