Heartsupport-three-things-garrett-is-the-man-thank - 2609

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Belongs to: What loss are you struggling with?
heartsupport three things: Garrett is the man; thank you for the work you do; and while there are some losses that continue to ache, the one I continue to feel is the loss of time. Whether that’s time for myself, time as my family grows and changes, or time with the people I care about the most, there’s never enough and it’s difficult to enjoy the present when you feel like you’re losing the future.


Thank you for the kind words and support!

Time can be too long for some, and too short for others. But when it is too short. I think as long as you do not “waste” too much time fearing not having enough time. You are doing the best you can. I experience a lot of anxiety and understand it can be hard to be clear minded and present in every moment. But the best you can do is fit as much of the good stuff in as you can. <3

It’s hard to feel like there is this constant pressure in the back of our mind - something that shows us how much time is precious and fragile, and how important it is to embrace the time we have with our loved ones, through every step of the journey. There is something profoundly saddening with the perspective of losing time. Somehow it is this very unique and valuable life “currency” that is at our disposal, but so many times it feels like there’s not enough of it to live as we want, love as much as we aspire to, explore all the things we are curious about, give as many hugs as possible… It’s a tough realization. And such a paradox to feel an urge to embrace the time given to us, while also feeling completely paralyzed because of this sense of urgency. You’ve described it so very well. It’s a real challenge not to let our awareness of impermanence prevent us from enjoying the present moment. I hope that, little by little, you’ll be able to leave more room for spontaneity, and put aside worries about the time that’s lost - or the time that’s never regained. Somehow, when embraced fully and intentionally, even just a moment in our life can feel like an eternity.

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Hello there my friend! :green_heart:

I can absolutely empathize with the sentiment you’ve shared. It’s poignant how you’ve captured the essence of time slipping away. Here are a few quotes that resonate with your feelings:

  1. “Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind.” - Nathaniel Hawthorne
  2. “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” - Andy Warhol
  3. “The trouble is, you think you have time.” - Buddha
  4. “Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to.’” - Lao Tzu
  5. “The present moment is a precious gift, and it’s up to us to cherish it.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

Remember, while it can be challenging to reconcile with the passage of time, it’s also an opportunity for growth, reflection, and making the most of the moments we have. Your awareness of this issue is the first step towards finding ways to prioritize and savor the time you have. You’re not alone in this struggle, and there’s always room for positive change and appreciation of the present.

Hopefully you manage to catch up with time soon! 🫶🏻