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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to The Tale of Jenny and Screech by Ren
@heartsupport Violet’s tale is very much my own…. and I’m still that silent girl too. Just found Ren, 8 days ago, with Hi Ren. It was at literally, one of the most hopeless days of my life. It’s no exaggeration, to say that Ren’s music, and message literally saved my life! I then watched Jenny and Screech. I’ve very much been that silent girl since that day!! Unable to express the feelings I’ve been having, and no one to do that with anyway. I’ve just spent every free moment, binging every reaction I could find, of both songs… found yours, and was SO blown away! Trying so hard to process these feelings, and I shared what I could with my therapist, during my appointment this past Thursday. But an hour just isn’t enough for me to process everything I’m feeling. I feel ripped apart, and don’t know how to put the pieces back together, in a healthy way! I’ve wanted to reach out, since I saw your reaction to Ren, probably 5-6 days ago, but it is terribly difficult for me to trust. I finally got the courage to reach out, to what seems to be such a beautiful community! I’ve not even had the courage to connect with any of the Renegades yet. It’s terrifying for me. The idea of laying myself so bare, is truly terrifying for me!! But, what’s more terrifying for me, is the idea that my boys could grow up without their mom! I need to be well for them, and for me. I have been hurt in so many different ways, that I have pulled myself inside… just been trying to deal with everything alone. It’s not possible for me. I need people. I just DO! This loneliness, is more than I can take anymore. So… it was time for me to put my big girl pants on, and reach out. Thank you for creating a feeling within me, which gave me the strength to even TRY! It’s the first time in 9 years, I have put myself out there at all… and to say all of THIS in a YouTube comment… yeah lol that’s an AMAZING thing you have done there.