Heartsupport well pretty much everything he said i

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Belongs to: What loss are you struggling with?
heartsupport well pretty much everything he said is what I’m going through. Right down to the dog and walk. Wild.


Hope you can find some relief. Heart support is around if you ever want to share more. <3

Garrett’s testimony is very strong, and it is such a gift that he opened up about this painful season he knew in his own life. Although it can be comforting to find echo in it of course - even just to know that we are not alone and that there is hope -, I’m so very sorry friend that you’ve been experiencing important losses in your life and are now right in the eye of the storm. It is so hard when it seems that everything is collapsing in our life, especially when it comes to relationships. Suddenly we are left with all these thoughts, all these emotions, all this LOVE that has no direct place to go anymore… and it hurts so much to have to carry it on our own. You want to connect with the ones you love and have been a significant part of your life, but you are faced with this wall of emptiness and silence again and again. Feels like pure agony when you are experiencing such level of disconnection and isolation.

I hope that, during this significant time of your life right now, you manage to take good care of your heart, of your body, of your mind as much as possible. I personally relate and understand to how much surviving can cost during times when our energy is depleted. It is admirable that you have opened up about your situation in this comment section, and hopefully this can be an opportunity to feel less alone in what you are going through. Know that you are seen and heard right now, even if it’s just from a stranger on the internet. You matter very much, and I would love to hear more from you - how you’ve been doing since you posted here for example. No pressure of course, this is only a gentle invitation. You are not alone. :heart: