Heartsupport-yes-i-cry-a-lot-not-sure-why - 2671

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heartsupport yes, I cry a lot. Not sure why.

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Tears can be such a good indicator that something inside of us needs our attention. A wound, a trauma, a pain, an emotion that still needs to be processed - or even the cumulation of different things. It’s a good and healthy way for your body to release stress that may have been building up. It’s an opportunity to reset emotionally - even if it’s exhausting at first.

But I get that it can be also frightening at first, especially when we don’t know why we are crying. It’s like you’re feeling all of these things but rationally it doesn’t make sense because there are still some dots that need to be connected together. The “why” we feel or react a certain way can be daunting when the answers seem to be distant.

For what it’s worth, something that tends to help me a lot when I am sad or cry for - seemingly - no reason, I try to see it as a sign from my body that says “you need to slow down”. Most of the time, I can’t identify a reason for the tears because I’ve been disconnected from myself for a while, and lose touch with my internal world. So the tears are just this gentle red flag that invites me to take care of myself - more intentionally, and differently. Somehow, you don’t need to know why you cry, but you can absolutely decide how you are going to respond to the tears. It can become an opportunity to simply take care of yourself and be your own priority, even if it’s just for a short time during the day. Sometimes taking time for ourselves is one of the greatest gifts we can offer to our heart. The answers to “why” will follow and come in due time.

If you would like to share a bit more about how life has been for you lately, or what are some things that may have been on your mind/source of worries or stress, then please feel free to talk about it here. Absolutely willing to listen.

Hold fast, friend. <3