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Belongs to: Therapist and Jake Luhrs React to Killpop - Slipknot @heartsupport yes, I used to do that ll the time and I still do it and I have no idea why I attract the kind of people that make me feel I need to prove something.
You shouldn’t have to feel like you need to take ownership for attracting toxic people. Unfortunately, I’ve noticed in my life that bad people are drawn to the goodness in others because they don’t have any, and then their negativity and atmosphere drag you down and suffocate the light out of you. But you fight back, just to try to prove them wrong. Or you freeze, stuck in this limbo stage of pain but not wanting to leave what’s familiar, because the unknown can be so much scarier or lonelier than being with someone.
But it can be exhausting, dancing around and making sure you’re doing things right. Doing things to make others happy. It’s just your brain’s way of just trying to keep you safe in your surroundings, catering to others’ expectations and ideals just to keep things calm. It’s not fair to you. Not at all. But don’t think that there’s something wrong with you to draw these people in, they see people who care and want to take up all their love and attention until there’s nothing left. But they still give you that validation. That feeling of being appreciated. Even if it’s temporary, it means the world. But if we continue to strive for other’s version of what things should be, we start to lose ourselves.
I’m so sorry that you feel like you bring this on yourself by being who you are and drawing in the wrong type of people. You are a wonderful, caring human being full of love and you deserve to be seen by others that way and attract the people who know your worth. When you love yourself and know what you’re capable of, the people around you will see that too. You are strong and not alone. Using your voice can have tremendous outcomes, just reaching out shows that you know you’re worth fighting for!
You are so loved friend, and you have nothing to prove to anyone
Thank you for being here! It can be a vicious and difficult cycle to break — feeling like we have to prove that we are worthy of love. It’s a lie that so many of us believe. Like we have this shame that overshadows everything and we imagine that’s all people can see. Our faults. Our mistakes. Our shortcomings. But what we forget is that we all have them. We all struggle. And regardless of that we are worthy of love. Your life has value and worth regardless of what you do or the mistakes you make. That may be hard for you to believe especially if some of the people around you tend to judge or evaluate you or point out your mistakes. That’s typically due to their own insecurities. The truth is we can’t always live up to other people’s expectations. For decades I felt as if I had to be perfect in order to earn my parents’ love and approval. No matter what I did I never felt good enough. But I finally realized that constantly performing never filled that hole. It only made it deeper. I had to keep telling myself that I had purpose and worth regardless of how they felt. Eventually I had to distance myself because it wasn’t healthy for me. We are all put here for a reason and if people are making you feel unworthy then you have to decide if the relationships are worth the hurt they bring you. It’s great that you recognize that you do this because awareness is key in breaking the cycle. Remember that you have inherent value and worth and you are loved. We truly believe that and we are here to support you. Stay strong!
@@HeartSupport yes, I can totally relate to that proving to family. I almost destroyed myself doing that. And from that, the same kind of people come from outside.Thank you.