heartsupportvets_Fans Content #498

This topic is from INSTAGRAM where users are encouraged to comment about their mental health struggles.

  • If someone tags @heartsupport in a comment it becomes a topic here on the forum.
  • If they don’t it’ll be a comment on this topic.
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#Repost @savage_sheehan with @use.repost
After I got out of the military I developed PTSD, and an alcohol addiction to ‘cope’. For years of my life I had intrusive thoughts from PTSD, that I would then obsess over because of my OCD and to cope I attempted to drown my demons in alcohol. For a while it kind of worked, until those bastards became Olympic swimmers. I was blacking out every night just so I could fall asleep. I didn’t want to die but I didn’t want to live either. Stuck, isolated, and alone.

I’ll never forget the day I walked out of a church and called the Wounded Warrior Project asking for help because suicide started sounding less like a bad idea and more like a relief. I was so hopeful when they said they could assign me a counselor, but furious when they mentioned she wasn’t military. Immediately I thought wtf would she know about shit??! I laugh as I write this bc that woman saved my life.

For me, it isn’t just one subject like my old eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, or my nightmares, my depression, my drinking, my loneliness, the anxiety, my OCD, my loss of identity + purpose—I NEEDED to talk about all of it. Notice I didn’t say wanted to. Sometimes you NEED to reach out and share your experiences in order to heal. If you’re waiting for a sign, THIS IS IT. It’s time.

And it doesn’t have to be a therapist- you can reach out and receive support right now.

Have you ever felt stuck? Feeling like something has to change but you don’t know what or how to change it?

Ask any mental health question you might have below in the comments by tagging @heartsupport and they will respond with support. Prefer something more private? Send them a dm!

No need for shame, just a desire to get better. Free help is available at your fingertips, and we all need it.

@heartsupportvets @heartsupportwall @heartsupportwall2 @heartsupportwall3 @heartsupportwall4

#mondaymotivation #mentalhealth #askforhelp #suicideprevention #military #veteran #militarywoman #mentalhealthmatters #healing #therapy #ptsd #pts #ocd #militaryhelp #healingjourney #youarenotalone #leadwithlove #talkaboutit #healing #22aday #youareworthy #youarewhatyouthink

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