Heartsupprt my depression and anxiety the past wee

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Nero Forte By Slipknot

My depression and anxiety the past week has been really bad and really hard to deal with and its causing so many issues in my life right now which I making it worse.


Hey! I’m sorry that you are going through a rough patch and it is getting extra hard. We are here if you ever want/need to share more. Feel free to let it out! I hope you can have a better day then the day before, with each day forward, and know you are enough. All we can do is our best. <3

Hi there!
I’m really sorry to hear that you’re going through a rough patch. Dealing with anxiety and depression can really impact other aspects of your life. Something that has always really helped me in the past is to push myself to try a new activity or even find a new show to watch that makes me laugh. Doing little things to change your routine or make you smile (even if it’s a stupid show) can be a huge relief. My favorite recently is to watch “Impractical Jokers” on Youtube. I would really encourage you to reach out to a loved one or trusted friend to express what you’re feeling recently. I also want you to know that I am here if you need anything or want to talk about this further. You matter, and I hear you. I am wishing you the best and hope to hear back! <3

Hey friend,

I hope those two weeks are now behind you and that you are finding some peace within. I know firsthand that depression and anxiety keep lingering somewhere like shadows ready to jump on us at the first opportunity… but it sounds like things have been particularly rough on you lately, while you deserve so much to feel like breathing deeply again. It’s so hard when it feels like you are not allowed somehow to live in a way that would makes you feel complete. There seems to always be barriers in between, ones that create such vicious cycles in our mind too.

Depression and anxiety are in themselves such an awful mix to deal with. I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with this and experiencing those burdens, especially more intensely lately. To me personally, depression and anxiety create this tension all the time between apathy and over-stimulation. It’s exhausting to feel numb yet on edge at the same time - to not have, overall, a sense of stillness and peace within. It’s like carrying a passenger next to you that is constantly trying to sabotage you whenever it’s possible, while also shouting at you whenever you don’t meet certain expectations. It prevents you to live your life fully, to embrace joy when it appears, to feel worthy of it all.

I don’t know your personal story or what made these struggles more present in your life lately, but if you would like to express what’s on your heart, feel free to share more whenever you need. Somehow, struggles like bring their amount of shadow, but we can reduce it, even if just a little bit, by opening up, being vulnerable and shining a light on it. If anything, you are not alone in your struggles. We are rooting for you here. :heart: