
From πšˆπš˜πš”πš˜ :coffee:: Hello again, today I am going to talk about why I get depressed or very sad, what should I do? So let’s start
Okay, the first thing when I get depressed is the first thing to do a very hard exercise. I thought that when I exercise, I will die, but the opposite turned out. My weight is less than before. So my weight was 50 when I weighed less, it remained 45, and when I was less, it remained 40. I canceled it when my weight remained 38. Here I felt that I was getting dizzy and not eating well. I had an appetite for food. Eating more is not useful at all. I wish someone would help me In this matter, how can I eat well or how can my weight be good…? An important advice from me is not to do exercises that are hard on you, it is true that it is a healthy exercise, but it may also be dangerous for you. Do more light and healthy exercises and you will be good…! :sparkles: bye​:sparkles:


I don’t know what to say about your exercise because I don’t know what you are doing. I do know that 20 minutes of something aerobic is beneficial for both mind and body. It is really hard on the mind and body if you are not adequately nourished. I suspect you’re also dehydrated, hence the dizziness. Eating β€œmore” is not useful if you’re eating the wrong things. The first thought that came to me was that you might benefit from buying some cans of "liquid nutritional supplement, like Ensure or something similar. It really sounds as though you have lost too much weight. When you do eat, make sure it’s decent food rather than junk. Maybe a multivitamin would help, but don’t take one on an empty stomach.

Check this out:

From πšˆπš˜πš”πš˜ :coffee:: I used to do exercises every day for a period of 50 minutes to torture myself, no more. But thank you for saying that I take vitamins… ^^

From πšˆπš˜πš”πš˜ :coffee:: And thanks for the link ^^