Hello friends

I’m here to say hello and journal a bit :slight_smile:

I’ve been doing okay mentally. I can’t really tell how I feel or anything. I feel like I’ve just been here trying my best to enjoy each day. Sure it gets hard but no one said it would be easy. But I have a new baby cousin and he makes me very happy. I sing to him and dance with him. It’s just so awesome having someone so new and small. It’s like everything is an adventure with him. I call him pumpkin and I love him so much. He’s my little angle and miracle. Things have changed a lot. Not only the world as we know it but me. I can confidently say that I’m not the same person I was just only a year ago. I’m not too sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing but I guess I’ll find out. All I know is that some things didn’t change. And those things are the important ones. I know deep down I’ve matured in ways I can’t even begin to understand. And I know that some parts of me is still the old cow I know and kinda love. But yeah I feel pretty okay. And that’s great.

Well that’s it for a bit. I guess I’ll write soon.

Your beloved cow :slight_smile:


I’m so glad your happy! I have seen you change and let me just say that in my opinion you have improved so much. You seem happier, healthier, and overall more content and positive. I know God has played a big part in this and I am happy for you.
Hope you continue to grow and improve. <3


I might not know what it is you have been through but your post sounds so serene and it put a smile on my face. Wonderful about your cousin. The dear Angels are unspoiled by the world and its refreshing to have them around.
Much peace to you!


Your post put a smile on my face too. Your journal entry is full of confidence, hope and gratitude. Glad to have you with us, @i_to_be_a_cow. Welcome in the community! May you have many many smiles and beautiful moments to spend with your little pumpkin in times to come.

Take care. :hrtlegolove:

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I fricking love you man. Don’t make me cry.

Thank you and to you too :))))))

Thank you that’s very nice of you to say.

I love you too and its kinda easy to make you cry not on purpose. You cry at happy things so… <3

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