Hello i need anyone

what do you do when
no one to talk to? parents … wishy washy. i need support i have no ? … nothing … i have therapists … thats it. help ? how to make support system? can anyone hear me out ? sorry:(


Hey, notdead!
It is difficult when you don’t have people in your life that you can just talk to, even about the simplest things. It can be lonely when there is no one to understand you. Most of the time when I need someone to talk and I reach out to someone, it has paid off by them listening compassionately and offering help if I need it. I hope that you can find people that you can take that chance with.
If it is too difficult to find those people, we hear you, we see you.
Let us know if there are any things that you need to just talk it out. You will find the care you need in this community.
Hold Fast!

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Hey friend,

I’m glad you posted here again. It’s really difficult to try and deal with the ideal that you may be alone or may be in a spot where you feel like there is no one you can reach out to. I’ve been there.

firstly, I want to let you know that your family here at HeartSupport is here and listening anytime you have something you need to talk through.

On top of that, there is the discord community, SWAT teams and overall chat groups where you can be surrounded by fellow HS members and have place to speak openly about what you’re dealing with without any judgment. Here’s the link for that - HeartSupport – Discord.Do

Otherwise, If you’re looking to build your own support person near and around you, here’s some things that I learned on my journey. I’ve moved to different cities around the country, each time I’ve had to start from scratch and it’s always been hard except for my most recent move to New York.

This is what I learned: If you want people to be there for you, be there for them first. Be that friend that offers help with whatever it is and authentically empathize with that person. We humans have a deep subconscious driver that dictates basically that if someone does something nice for us, it’s important for us to do something nice for them. It creates a virtuous cycle that builds from the input of everyone involved. This, inevedibily, leads to fostering long term beneficial relationships.

Do good things for people whenever you can and you will never run out of people to call on when you need help.

I hope this perspective helps you out!

Stay strong my friend. Know that you have an entire community behind you!