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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Sick Boi Ren
Hello thanks for showing Ren. I suffer from autoimmune system actually I was bit twice by a tick. They found it too late. So I lost everything, I’m still blessed then others. It has attacked my kidneys and part of my brain. I’m in a full blown out depression and anxiety and it gets worse. I followed trying to write my book and my artwork. So I do understand what he’s going through. Just I didn’t have a good support system and the drs and CDC done nothing to help. My medical don’t cover Lyme disease if you had it it like over 25 years. They leave you to die. Before 2016 I had a great job, a family. I finished my schooling and now I lost all of it. Now I had to pull out my pension and living in Philippines now. I could not afford USA anymore. I’m still blessed , I’m still alive. I know a few people who died. Or are in wheelchairs. I always fight suicide, but I have to keep reminding myself that this is caused from events. I’m sick but I won’t let it define me. I have no one to talk to about this. Psychologist and therapists make you feel less then when I go in. So I stopped. I was doing some of the things Ren does in this video. The pills alone made me sicker. I was on about twenty three pills a day. Now I’m on none. I think I’m better or like to believe I’m doing the better
Down to the pills. I have autoimmune system is shot. I have Lyme disease for years. Just I lost everything.
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Long term physical illness do suck my friend. Not being able to do the work I had a passion for has affected my mood. I hope your writing, and artwork, are going well.
You have a good support group in Heart Support, we are here for you. Pills aren’t always the answer we need. You feeling better can be the change of diet in the Philippines, American food is full of junk we don’t need to be eating.
I’m glad you aren’t letting your illness define you and you are fighting the urge to commit suicide. The world would be a darker place without your light in it. Much love!
Ren has done so much for so many people, but one of the things I think is most important is that he introduced millions of people to Lyme Disease. Honestly, I had no idea how devastatingly bad this disease is until I found Ren. My heart is sad that you have suffered without a support system, with so much pain and the loss of so many years of your life…and it happened because of a bite from a bug. It’s unimaginable how such a tiny little thing out of your control can cause such destruction. I love your resilience that you will not let this define you. Every day that you don’t answer suicide’s knock, shows you’re stronger than the disease. Keep going.
Honestly the US is probably one of the worst places in the world to live when you have an auto immune disease, followed by the UK. Even Ren had to go to Canada before he could get any real help, and that was shocking to me because Canada isn’t much better. Eastern culture diet and their different medical and mindfulness practices may actually be of benefit to you. Going from 23 pills a day to zero is a good start! Instead of looking at this as being forced to leave the USA because you couldn’t afford to live here, dig deeper into that. The Powers that have control over this realm we live in may have sent you away from the USA to save you.
I have an auto immune disease as well. It doesn’t cause pain like you experience but it messes with literally everything in my body in its own unique way and makes it really hard to function and focus a lot of the time. I understand how helpless it makes you feel not being able to “fix” the problems it causes. And the depression that comes along with it makes it even worse.
I hope you begin to feel more improvement or relief from your physical and emotional pain with the change in residency.
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