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Belongs to: Therapist Comes Undone by Korn
Hey, all, I come back to this one fairly regularly. I feel like, in a way, I am good, I am OK with who I am and that kind of thing, but it’s tough supporting others, and in the end, doing so can be a pretty intense weight. I have been in the dark before and will always support my family as they need me. Sometimes, though, man, it gets heavy being there and trying to stay a stable force. I feel like many of us don’t just carry our own weight; we often shoulder the burdens of others as we walk. Sometimes, coming undone might not be extreme (for me), but it can look like losing control for a second in a situation or reacting in a less balanced manner over stuff that should slide off. Also, if you don’t know them, check out the Agonist; It’s a great band and some good stuff there with lyrics, too. Thank You, Pain, As One We Survive. Get up, get through, see some good, be some good.