Hey all i come back to this one fairly regularly i

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Belongs to: Therapist Comes Undone by Korn
Hey, all, I come back to this one fairly regularly. I feel like, in a way, I am good, I am OK with who I am and that kind of thing, but it’s tough supporting others, and in the end, doing so can be a pretty intense weight. I have been in the dark before and will always support my family as they need me. Sometimes, though, man, it gets heavy being there and trying to stay a stable force. I feel like many of us don’t just carry our own weight; we often shoulder the burdens of others as we walk. Sometimes, coming undone might not be extreme (for me), but it can look like losing control for a second in a situation or reacting in a less balanced manner over stuff that should slide off. Also, if you don’t know them, check out the Agonist; It’s a great band and some good stuff there with lyrics, too. Thank You, Pain, As One We Survive. https://youtu.be/_jud_SnKTlY?si=1xQoiGgypXBkxfXu Get up, get through, see some good, be some good.

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Hi there and thank you for sharing…

oh this feels so close with me… the words you used describing others weight on our shoulders… That we feel like we should be caring others “life” or their somehow state of existence with us. That we think they depend on us… This is soooo exhausting … been there for some time…

However in my case it was clear that cannot work long term as i was loosing myself. My needs, my issues, i was starting to live others life’s, depend on their state of mind, their happiness. Shortly that went south for me…I had to take care of my needs first, to relax a bit, love my self but still appreciate my support towards them. I know this sometimes feels like we should support others, and yes we should - but i don’t think that we should pay with our own life’s. We still deserve love, autonomy and being truly who we want to be!

I do see your effort in making others happier, that is so noble of you… but please take care of your needs as well :slight_smile: you deserve that!!!
