Hi idk how to start im just so lost lately me and

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Richard's Tale (inspired by Ren)
Hi idk how to start…im just so lost lately…me and my wife live in our truck out in the middle of the nv desert on blm land…we lost everything during covid… I’ve been out of work now for almost 1 1/2 now… filling and filling out apps with no answers…if it wasn’t for my wife and her part time job…we would be fucked…we are just getting by, with no help from anyone…no food stamps, no medical help nothing. I’ve been feeling useless lately… My wife so strong and keeping us a float…and idk…so down…when she’s at work i just cry by myself in my fuckin truck…staring at a desert day in and day out. I do have my dogs… they may not speak,but do give me unconditional love. Idk what im getting at, maybe just venting…but yeah just lost!!;;


Reaching out to vent is okay and venting is great. I am so happy that you found a place to let your feelings out. I am so happy you have support from your wife and your dogs, it is very important to have support. You are not alone in this and the hard times won’t last forever even when it seems like it. If you ever need to vent again you can reach out because we are here for you.
Being unemployed is very hard on people’s mental health but please don’t lose hope YOU WILL GET IT! and take care of yourself please!

  • Domenica
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hey friend,

thank you for being here and opening up about what you’re going through. living in a truck and facing job denials is extremely difficult and frustrating. you are seen, heard, and not alone in this - especially with an amazing wife and loving dogs by your side. those are the best reasons of all to keep fighting, to keep putting your name out there for a company to see the infinite value you can bring them. you can find your way back from feeling lost and hopeless and conquer this difficult time. i believe in YOU!


Hi there!
Welcome, it’s okay to vent. Sometimes it helps to get struggles that are heavy off your chest. Unemployment can be a challenging situation, especially after putting in countless applications only to not hear back. However, despite all of this, I am happy that you still have love and support from your wife and dogs. It is important to have those blessings in your life. It may seem small but I know that when it comes to family, it means the world. You are not alone in this!
I would not lose hope in the job department. Even if you get a smaller job to bring in some cash, it could still be more beneficial than you may anticipate. It also may not be a bad idea to try and volunteer somewhere by where you reside and engage with a community of others to make new peers. Maybe the dogs can join too!
I wish you love and support and hope everything goes well for you.

-Daniela :slight_smile:

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Hey there friend,

First off I just want to say thank you for being open with us here. We appreciate it and don’t take it for granted. I believe that sharing how we feel, and what we have been through, can help others feel less alone. Once again, thank you so much.

It’s okay to not know how to start, I am proud of you for being open with us here, I think that is a big step. You are doing great.

I understand that feeling of being lost in life. Some days I still don’t know who I am, or who I want to be. Know that is okay, it’s okay to feel lost. You will find your way, it takes time and work but it will be found.

I am so sorry for the struggle you are going through, you don’t deserve this pain. I cannot even begin to understand how stressful it must be to not have a place to call home, how hard it must be to keep going when everything seems lost. Covid was hard for many, and I am so sorry that it hit you guys so hard. Losing everything is something I cannot even begin to know how difficult it must be. I am proud of you guys for staying, for continuing on, even in the face of such pain and loss.

Jobs are hard, it’s like you can apply for so many and no one answers, or you get false hope from one of them. I have been there, looking for a job, and it is just such a difficult and painful thing to work through, especially at this time when it seems like places need workers, but no one wants to hire for some reason. It is such a stressful time; I am glad you are continuing on, still trying. You are doing amazing. All you can do is keep trying, that is all that can be asked of you.

You are not useless. You are trying, that is all you can do I promise you. I know it can be hard in relationships when it is compared what is being given and taken. I have a hard time with that myself, but something my boyfriend has reminded me of lately is that I am doing what I can, and he is doing what I can… and that is enough. I think that is crucial to remember, you are doing your best and that is literally all anyone can ask of you.

Animals, I feel especially dogs, are great companionship, and I am glad you have them there. I feel as though they can understand more than we think, sometimes I feel like their presence is just nice to have, it is somewhat healing.

It’s okay to vent, it’s okay to feel lost. I appreciate you for being open with us, I believe what you have shared will help many others feel less alone in this world in what they feel and what they have been through or what they are experiencing.

Keep going, keep fighting, keep applying for jobs, just do your best- that’s all that can be asked of you.

You are doing great.

Sending love,

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Ty all for ur kind words… I can’t say it’s better…I have found out I may have chronic fatigue syndrome…just a guess by wife, can’t know for sure…just a guess with no insurance. Being in this truck for almost 2 yrs,…it has ruined by gut…I can’t eat without having pains in my back and stomach…I’m good as long as I don’t eat much…as for my dogs they are fine…and mine hasn’t left my side since I got sick…he knows something ain’t right…daddy don’t play anymore.,. when wife is at work… he’s my rock. I hope all of you are doing well.


I am so sorry to hear about your illness, it sucks to not be able to get the proper care without insurance. I am so glad you still have your dog right by your side and I am glad you still have that support system to help you a little bit, and feel free to keep writing because there will always be someone here to listen to you!

I really wish you the best and I wish you fast recovery and never forget that you are not alone and to always write if you need

  • domenica
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