Hi my brain won't shutup

Hello, my mind won’t shutup.
All I ever want is some peace and quiet, and when I get it headmates think or I overthink random shit and I can’t stop it. I just want to have a chance to relax but my only time to ever do that is when I’m passed out. Sometimes I’m lucky and I put my head down and get peace and quiet, but today I layed down and it was endless chatter amongst chatter. Layers and layers of voices and thoughts and reminders from headmates to shutup or relax, to no avail. They’re tired too, they hate how much I think in one second. We can’t get a break from eachother, they can’t shut me up, I’m way too loud. Idk why I do this, I always think every day. “Is this normal?” Is it normal to wake up every day with endless overthinking or just daydreaming in general, having it until your head hurts but you still can’t stfu? I always thought it was normal until I was told it wasn’t, so how do I stop it? All I truly want to do is control it. There’s a good side to everything, a useful side to all perceptively negative things. So I just want to know how to gain control of it. Or something.
I hope everyone on this forum is doing okay latley. Haven’t been here for a while.


Hello friend!

It’s good to see you again, but I’m sad to see that you are having difficulties. I don’t know that I can compare the workings of my mind to yours, but there are times that I lose sleep because I can’t stop thinking. Sleep loss itself can cause the mind to race, and thoughts to be disorganized.

What I find most helpful is to become physically exhausted. Then the thoughts themselves seem to drift off into dreamland. Medication might help. There is also a supplement called melatonin that I use. I take 5 mg a couple of hours before bedtime. The theory is that it helps regulate the sleep/wake cycles.

Think back to a time when the voices were not so much of a problem. What were you doing differently, or what was different about your life at that time? It might be worth trying to re-create those circumstances now, at least the part of them that may be helpful.


Hey Systemofconfusion,

SarahK replied to your post live on YouTube today with some wonderful words of encouragement!

Here is a link to the video so you can hear them


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