Hi there first of all thank u for making a video l

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Alice in Chains Nutshell
Hi there…First of all thank u for making a video like that…Great song…I dont remember how many years ım listening this song…very long time… and your words is so right about it… I was struggling to quit a pill…At last month ı think ım quiting… But ıts so hard the part that when u feel u lost your ‘‘own’’…ıts really hard to take back that…and yet ı fight…

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Hey! Thank you so much for reaching out and having the courage to raise your voice, you are heard here.

This song really is a heavy hitter. It does such a great job at portraying these emotions and touching the hearts of those that can relate to it. Addiction my friend is unfortunately a very heavy weight to carry, but you do not carry this weight alone. Addiction can weigh us down and give us a sense of momentary comfort that only ends up dealing damage to us. It’s hard to move on and look back to see how you changed and maybe have lost your “own”, but regret is a burden that you do not have to keep. From these experiences, you are able to grow, thrive, and reach a new light.

Keep fighting the fight my friend and rise above this hurt. You are cared for; your purpose here truly is significant. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Welcome to Heart Support and thanks for reaching out to us on the support wall. And yet I fight…that is all we can do right? Find the inner strength and motivation to do the next right thing and quit the things that are harming us and start the things to heal us. I love Alice in Chains and this song is just hard but beautiful to listen to…its like a glimpse into Layne’s hurting soul. I hope you are able to stay sober and hang on to your “own”. And you aren’t alone, and yet WE fight!