Hi-there-i-m-gonna-try-to-not-make-this-post-too-l - 2422

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Belongs to: https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/41016
hi there! i’m gonna try to not make this post too long, but i wanted to say that the group/organization that has been established for anyone to use is beautiful.

I’ve been diagnosed w/ Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, OCD, and ADHD over the years - I grew up in an extremely toxic and abusive household as a child, which definitely changed my perception on a lot in life. In 2018 I was heavily considering suicide due to the tiredness of everything, and i just felt like i would have been better off if i disappeared. Around that time was when I decided to seek help - Now 5 years later i’m three semesters away from graduating with my Bachelor’s in Nursing (RN).

If there is ever any chance I could talk more w/ others or even be a part of a support team for those who need guidance, i’d love nothing more than to be an outlet.

I hope everyone has an amazing night/day - stay safe and stay metal :metal:t2::black_heart: (p.s. STP is PHENOMENAL)


This is so incredible, thank you so much for sharing a part of your journey.
You have been through trauma and diagnosis and we’re at the edge, and you took such a huge and brave step by reaching out and accepting the help you so deserved.

It’s always an inspiration to see someone like yourself thrive. We know that not every day is an easy ride, but I’m so proud of you for working so hard and for giving us the absolute honour of sharing this.


Congratulations on transcending your past!

It sounds like we had similar upbringings. Maybe were somehow related. :upside_down_face:

My childhood was hellish. It included being beaten, molested, and terrorized. I was also chronically sick, possibly because stress had compromised my immune system. When I was eight, I was removed from school. In those days, kids who exhibited any form of developmental delay were considered “retarded.” Because of the trauma in my life, when in school, I was severely withdrawn, even to the extent that I wouldn’t hear my name when it was called. The school psychologist misidentified PTSD as autism. There’s a lot more to the story, but eventually I ended up back in school, but my circumstances were no less hellish. I attempted suicide when I was 10 years old.

I failed at every subject in school because there was no way they could force me to do the assignments. I advanced in the grades anyway by the process of being “lifted” from one grade to the next. ADHD didn’t exist as a diagnosis when I was in school. Actually, I wasn’t diagnosed with it until the third year of college. I dropped out of school at age 15 and went to work. After a year or so, I started attending night classes in order to finish school. Suddenly, I was getting straight A’s! I think the reason I started getting good grades is that the night school environment was sufficiently different that it enabled me to disassociate the learning process from my horrible childhood school experience.

Of course, there’s a lot more to the story, but in the end I too received a Bachelors in Nursing with honors.

Maybe it’s an overused term, but I believe “wounded healers” may be the most effective.


@HeartSupport - Mental Health Community omg i was not expecting to get a response from you guys - but thank y’all so much for replying back :sob:

reading y’all comments really made my morning, and honestly i’d be lying to anyone if i said this road has been easy. i’m medicated, but some days are def harder than others. i’m hoping that one day i can go back to school to get my master’s and become a Nurse Practitioner to become a Mental Health Nurse :face_holding_back_tears: the world needs better leaders, role models, etc; I’d love nothing more than to lead that change and be a beacon of light for those who truly need one.

You guys are true heroes too - especially since you’re now in better circumstances and work for what seems like an amazing organization. I admire this group and if there’s ever anything I can do to be a part of this please let me know! I’d love to help others out and give words of encouragement to anyone who needs it :black_heart:

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Hey friend. I’m managing our Support Teams and would LOVE to count you in, and why not leading a team after some time if you would be interested by it! Feel free to join our online community on Discord ( HeartSupport) – you should have some info from there to guide you on how to join a SWAT. But as it can be a bit complex when we’re not used navigate on Discord, feel free to email me @ [email protected]. I’m so thankful for your vulnerability and the inspiration + encouragement you are so willing to bring around you.