Hi ur name is talk about your mental health i lost

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to CONFLICT by Slaughter to Prevail
Hi ur name is Talk about your mental health. I lost all hope. i attended 11 first hearings with psychiatrist after they heard my story ,everyone rejected me, because they dont know how to help me, because its too much. Not good to hear. 9 month ago i tried to han. myself, didnt worked i was to heavy, then i lost 60 pounds in 2 month. I tried to reach out for federal psychology institute in germany they gave me 2 numbers to experimental therapy or closed facility, what isnt an option. im extremly introvert and locked in with strangers would kill me. Im divorcing my wife of 17 years, because she cheated for 13 years and i didnt noticed. I lost all trust in woman and cant go in relationship, because i fear to be tyranical because of the lost trust. Its sad that youtube is one of my last places to seek help or tips, but here i am. The only thing i miss is a hug. Thx.


Thank you so much for being so honest and forthright, it is massively appreciated and I understand how hard it can be to be so honest. Despite how you feel about seeking mental health advice on YouTube, I want you to know that you have found the right place. While everyone else may have rejected you, we will never reject you. I firmly believe in your value and your worth, regardless of what your situation is. No matter what you are going through, what you have been through, or what you will go through, you are loved more than you can know.

Everyone here at HeartSupport is here for you, and we encourage you to continue on your journey to find help. While your struggles may feel endless and completely devoid of hope, I firmly believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I want to encourage in your walk to step into that light. We are always here if you would like to speak more about what you are facing. I hope that you know you are loved, you are cared for, and that your struggles do not define you. Holdfast, we believe in you friend.


I’m so glad you reached out and shared your story. I’m really sorry you are going through such a difficult time. Being hurt by people we love can be excruciating so I can understand your fear about the future. There is hope however, and taking one step at a time is something that has helped me when everything is overwhelming. This is a safe place for you and I encourage you to keep reaching out! You are not alone!


You have tried several routes to get help and none of them have seemed to work, but you havent given up because here you are! That shows a lot about your resiliency that you are here sharing your story. I honestly can’t imagine what it has been like to live your life and go through these things. You’re saying you were rejected by the psychiatrist and that your problems were too much for them. I just want to encourage you that it won’t be too much for the right professionals. Sometimes when we look at all our problems at once they are overwhelming and comsuming and we just need to take it one part at a time.
Your life is worthy of living, as confusing and complicated as it seems right now. We’re here for you!


I appreciate and see your vulnerability. I’m beyond glad that you were able to post here and reach out to us. Please don’t feel and shame for using YouTube to find support, you’ve found it right here with us. These emotions must be so overwhelming, we’re right here for you if you need to talk more in depth about these issues. You are so loved and so much more than the struggles that you’re facing. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been turned away from so many psychiatrists, that must feel so defeating. As someone who has gone through multiple therapists, I understand the feeling of rejection and hopelessness that can spiral out from it. I can say with complete confidence that you are never too lost to be saved, especially too lost for us. You need is some help carrying these burdens, and our arms are wide open. You are so strong and so loved <3


I hear you, thank you for calling out, it takes a lot of courage to do that. I’m so sorry that you’ve been rejected, we are here for you, and we all love you. Depression truly is a hard struggle that many people face, I promise that you are not alone in this. You must feel alone, hopeless, and discouraged. It’s easy to build a wall around us, isolate ourselves, and not trust anyone. I promise that there are so many people that love you. You are worth so much more than you know, you and your story truly does matter. Your purpose here is substantial, I’m rooting for you!


Brother, it takes strength to persevere in spite of experiencing so much heartache, loss of trust, and rejection. Genuinely so happy for you for choosing to reach out for help with whatever means necessary–even Youtube! I’m so thankful you survived trying to hang yourself–you have so much to offer the world, and there is still so much for you to live for whether you realize it now or not. Praying for you in your journey of healing–you are loved!