Hit my greatest milestone yet

i made it. I made it over 100 days clean. I cant believe this. i really thought I wouldn’t be able to do this, these past few days. but here we are. :))


That’s a freaking amazing milestone right there! Well done!

Hope you’ll take some time today to celebrate that. It’s a huge accomplishment! :hrtlegolove::hrtlovefist:


How exciting and awesome!!!



This is absolutely amazing! Well done! Congratulations! Celebrate this great victory. We are all happy with you.

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Can’t let that one pass without a massive CONGRATULATIONS. That is just amazing. You should be so very proud of yourself. Just think of all the people that are thinking right now that it cant be done, they see this and realise that yes it can because you are living proof that it can!!! You are awesome, thank you for sharing such uplifting news.
I wish you all the very best.
Lisa :heart:

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I’m so glad that you’ve made it this far. I’m super proud of you and I hope it keeps going.

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