Honestly the song describes the dark feelings that

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Belongs to: Therapist Fades to Black | Metallica
Honestly, the song describes the dark feelings that I suffer, I have been fighting for a long time and I cannot kill those feelings, here in Spain they medicate you and then they ignore you.
Basically I don’t know if I can last.


Hey my friend, I am so sorry that you are in the midst of this suffering. This song is such a sad one to relate to. The hopelessness and despair that Metallica describes is a deep, poignant one.

“I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free”

We fight for so long, and eventually it begins to feel as though letting go would be easier than continuing our fight. This feeling that we have nothing more to give sits heavy in our souls, and it feels as though the end is all that can set us free. Especially when we seek out medical help, only to have pills shoved down our throat, left feeling like more of a test subject than a patient. We search for care that goes beyond a prescription, but that sees our heart and aims to lift up our soul.

I am so sorry that this help has evaded you- you deserve better. I do want you to know that you have found a community that will not ignore you. You have found a community that cares about your heart and your well-being. We care for you more than you know, and I genuinely, with all my heart, pray that you are able to understand just how loved and cherished you are. Just how much your life is worth. Though these feelings feel unkillable, I know that they cannot break you. The suffering will hurt, and the pain will probably not go away instantly, but I know that you were not created solely to suffer. I have full faith that you can last, and I hope that you do last so that you can show the world what a wonderful, kind, and unique soul you are. There is no other you and there never will be, so please, continue your fight. Continue raging against those seemingly unkillable feelings, because I feel that their end is near and you will soon see your victory.

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I am so sorry that you have been ignored. I am sending you the biggest huge that I am muster, my friend. I am sorry that you are constantly looking for a way to help or to get some support, with no one offering the support you are wanting. But like Bmao said above, you have found your people that won’t ignore you anymore.

I am so proud of you for having the courage to talk about what you are experiencing. For trusting us with your vulnerability. I hate that you are fighting for as long as you have been. It could probably feel like the next round just keeps coming, with hardly any breaks. I am glad that Metallica was able to give you the words to express the feelings that you are battling. And they do it so beautifully.

I am happy that you found us because you are a person worth knowing. I am happy to know you and that we get to have this conversation. I hope you know that you do not have to go to battle alone anymore. Anytime you need to talk about anything, we are here. We want to listen to you and want to know what you have to say.

You got this. I believe in you and your strength. We all do.

I’m really sorry to hear what you going through. I myself was overmedicated after a long hospital stay. I literally, slept, ate, slept, slobbered and fell flat faced down in my food at times. Luckily, my family, mostly my Mom noticed what was going on was seriously wrong and after my next psych appointment my meds were adjusted.
Please remember though, you really want to strive to keep the hope alive inside. Someone once offered me the best and kindest thing ever (so I think anyway), they offered that if I was too low or too weak at the moment to hold hope they would hold it for me, support me and be there for me.
So, I am here right now, to extend that same offer… let me hold the hope should you want or need me too!

I’m still rather new to the forum, but I have to say… you found a good place to be. :heart: