How someone at my school started drama but then i got blamed for it

so this girl in my gym class, lets call her P. i really never talked to her but i knew that she thought i was slow and retarded because i was really quiet whenever we got paired up. and P thought it was fine to laugh at my face in front of me. i really wouldn’t have been so upset if she talked behind my back or something, but yeah. i really wanted to ignore her, but then she did it again in dodgeball. i was dumb and posted about it on snapchat but i forgot to post it on my private so yeah i dont know how but it reached her. last week she came up with her friends to confront me but like bro why couldn’t she just come up by herself? she told every single person she knew and then said that it isn’t that serious… that really made me stressed since her friends were like yeah yeah but like on my story i never said it was P? like and i never even told anyone that it was her, so now why are you calling me that im weird and friendless? yeah but then it got really serious when she said that it was cyber bullying. but she posted a whole paragraph on her story about how she doesn’t even know me and how it doesn’t really matter. and now her friends think im a b*tch and they keep glaring at me? and yesterday at my school meet i was walking in front of her friends and her and they said my name in a stupid voice and i thought they weren’t okay so i looked at them and they started laughing again. also today at gym she was paired up with me again and we were like the only girls there so i was just standing there and then i don’t know what she did but i heard her laughing at me and walking i away so i got really scared lmao. i know i shouldn’t mind it since its over now but i really needed to vent so… thank you for listening to my useless story from school :slight_smile:


Hello sometimes.emo

People being rude to you at school is never fun, but I think its good that you have the mindset that its over now, and that you are trying to just move past it. I think that if you let feelings/thoughts linger on, and stew, for people who treat you poorly it is giving them what they want. If you are able to move past it, and not care about it. Then the control over your emotions, they are trying to achieve, won’t be there for them to get satisfaction out of. I also had problems of a similar nature when I was younger, except there was no social media, because I’m old. :sweat_smile:. Just do you best to grow yourself and be your best you. Doing our best is really all we can do. I would be a little more careful when posting to social media in the future, but it sounds like they are being the bullies, not you. So I wouldn’t let them calling you a cyber bully get to you. Feel free to vent more if you ever want/need. Hope you are feeling better today!


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Hi @sometimes.emo,

I totally agree with @ThriceTheThird points that he made. There are many reasons people become a bully. They might struggled with mental health issues or family problems at home. I’m not forcing you to do something if you are uncomfortable. The best choice is to apologize to the bully with the social media post and ignore them after you apologized to them. The bully may be upset with you avoiding them but they will eventually give up bothering you. I always think a bully is just a waste of time to argue with. There are better things I want do with my life.

I used to be bullied from a child to teen at home and school and I also had many bullies. This is a true story of my life. A story that might be relatable to you: I used to be bullied for my physical appearance by a group of females (popular and rich) in middle school. Also, I was the quiet and unpopular kid at school. My middle school crush and popular boy stood up for me. They told me I was beautiful and have a nice personality. When I was teen, I used to send random sticky notes to my classmates like compliments and encouragements. My middle school crush was always happy when he saw my sticky notes because it made his day better. Oh man, they stopped bullying me for the rest of middle school. The reason the females bullied me because they could never be friends and talk with my middle school crush and popular boy. They were also jealous of me having three popular guys that like me more than them in middle school. Like 2-3 years ago, my middle school crush and I met him randomly at a community college. He was happy to talk with me 10-20 minutes about his life and thank for being there for him when he was depress.

When I get bullied by an individual, I remind myself to be to kind to others even if they are mean. Someday your bully may regret their poor actions in the future. I didn’t want my bully to live miserably. You can’t control karma no matter what. I had ton of bullies in my life and most of them are struggling with the negative consequences due to their past actions. I don’t have grudge against bullies. If I ever meet my bully in the future, I will still forgive them no matter what they did to me. You are going to say @toastaintbad that the most the crazy thing you ever told me. There is no point being mean to bullies because they might change when they grow up. No one deserved to be bully no matter what. You can be the better person than the bully.

The stories you post on HeartSupport aren’t useless for me to read. It’s important for you to remember that you aren’t alone with bullying. I hope you are feeling okay. Bullying can be traumatizing for others.