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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to KUJO BEAT DOWN by Ren
I accidentally replied instead of commenting early this morning regarding a struggle I’m going through. I don’t see it to edit it and move it to the comments (assuming it was deleted since it was in the wrong spot) so hopefully I can capture it again here. The basic gist of it is that I have spent my whole life with art being something special to me. Mostly creating at first, but gaining appreciation for all forms of art as I grew up, as well. I went from just drawing as a little kid to taking art seriously and going to college on a scholarship for art. I was lucky enough to find jobs out of college that had art elements to them (graphic design, filming, etc). But not in my early fifties, I am realizing how much I’ve worked on creative projects for other people - always pushing my projects to the back burner. I’m turning around to see the last decade or more has been all work and, in that work, the approval process from others has taken over. I not only create for others, but I need to get a thumbs up or green light from them to feel like it was a success. Working hard on projects has left me with little energy and/or motivation at the end of the day. I might wake up inspired, but then my night ends with scrolling Instagram or watching Netflix/YouTube until I’m tired enough to fall asleep and I am now hyper aware when I wake up in the morning that yesterday was unproductive in terms of the art I want to make for myself. Yes, I might share it with others, but every decision would be made on my terms. What I’m getting at is that this cycle is leaving me spent and very depressed. I feel like I’m trying to run underwater every single day and then I hate myself when I’m too tired to do my own thing. So, yeah…Just felt like putting this out there for once.