I-am-34-and-cannot-have-children-i-always-thought - 2581

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #2564
I am 34 and cannot have children. I always thought I’d be able to choose, but you see life in a different lense when you can no longer choose. I found out in 2022 that I had borderline cancerous tumors on each ovary. The day after my hysterectomy I lost all my blood, I went into cardiac arrest and was put into a coma. I was in the ICU for a week and a regular hospital room a combined 3 weeks. I struggle daily with the loss of myself, I’m not the same as I used to be, I was so heartbroken for myself and what I went through. Therapy helps, and I just recently got an ESA puppy to help with my depression. One day at a time :heart:


@devz0r @heartsupport====

I cannot imagine that anyone could go through this extensive trauma and come out the same mentally, emotionally or physically.

I am so sorry for the trauma you experienced and for the pain and conflict of cancer and hysterectomy.
Nobody should have to go through what you’ve been through.

I hope that the therapy and puppy have started helping you to become whole with this different version of who stands before you.

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@heartsupport thank you for the kind words. You’re totally right, it’s difficult to come out of that the same but everyone still views me the same as I used to be. It’s a weird adjustment to navigate. I haven’t been depressed since I got my puppy in May so I’d say I’m on the right tracks to the new me :heart: