I am a marine combat veteran who served 7 years in

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Alice in Chains Nutshell
I am a Marine combat veteran who served 7 years in the worst places on earth. I was wounded 6 times the last was critical. Been out for 33 years substances and addiction took over HARD!!! I SEE NO OTHER END BUT THIS.

First, let me say a huge thank you for your service from the bottom of my heart.
I can imagine how lonely and painful this has been. But there will be better days ahead. There are other endings. Just take it one day, one moment, one breath at a time and remember how valuable you are.

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First of all, thank you so much for your service. Your heart to be willing to lay down your life in order to protect those back at home is so awe-inspiring, and I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I can’t imagine the struggles you faced while you were deployed, but I do know what it is like to be addicted. We have a source of pain in our lives and we find no other way to escape it other than to turn back to our addictions, like a dog licking it’s wounds. We know that in the end we are not helping ourselves- in fact, we’re only making the problem worse- but we turn to the quick solution that allows us to find a temporary escape from our present struggles, rather than a lasting escape from our ongoing battle. You’re not wrong for struggling, and you’re not alone in your addiction- we all have our battles that we face.

Though the end seems so bleak, I want to encourage to and let you know that there is hope for better days. You’ve made it through horrors of nearly a decade a battle that most of us will never be able to imagine, but you’ve shown that you have the strength to persevere in the face of literal warfare- I know that you have the strength to persevere until the better days. You were not created for struggling- you were not put on this earth solely for pain. Your pain truly does have a purpose and your story is a truly inspiring one. I know there are better days ahead for you and I encourage you to stick around to experience them with us. You are loved more than you can know and I truly wish you nothing but the best. Thank you for opening up. All the love my friend❤️

Hello my friend. I felt your loneliness and struggles in the lyrics of this song. I can understand how you may feel like you are fighting a battle all by yourself. I will be honest and tell you that I don’t understand the struggles of a combat veteran, but I understand the struggles of getting stuck in the Darkness in my head. This is can be the deepest pit to get out of when you feel there is no one hearing you scream for help. Addictions seep their way into our lives and makes the Darkness even darker sometimes. I believe in you. You’ve made it through the worst days of your life, every day. That’s something to be proud of. You’ve kept yourself going despite the pain. Believe in yourself. You were in a very bad place physically and mentally for seven years and you were in “survival mode” because you had no choice but to be. If I could take your pain away as gratitude to you for what you have so very humbly sacrificed in service to your country, and show you that you don’t have to live in survival mode anymore, I would. I can’t do that, but I can be a light in your Darkness and maybe you won’t feel so alone. I hear your silent screaming. You are not alone here.