I-am-combat-camera-in-the-air-force-and-in-februar - 2667

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #2564
I am Combat Camera in the Air Force and in February of this year I was in an accident on duty that resulted in the amputation of my right leg up to my hip. After a six month stay in the hospital fighting for my life as a poly trauma I’m now trying to navigate life in this new body while mourning my life before. At 23 it feels like a huge loss because it’s not just a leg that was taken from me, the entire trajectory of my life was changed in barely the span of five minutes. Most days I am very thankful to still be here but I never knew I’d ever experience mourning “myself”. (Garrett my fiancé Joel and I love you! Your words both lyrical and otherwise have impacted so much, especially me now :yellow_heart:)


Thank you for your service and thanks for sharing. That’s an incredible thing to survive and I can’t imagine how hard it must have been. I think that your mentality, having been through what you have been through, is phenomenal. It’s good to see that you have thankfulness even through the mourning of your old self. Don’t forget while being thankful, to build your new self to be the best new self it can be. :muscle:

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