I am currently 3-4 weeks free from marijuana an ev

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i am currently 3-4 weeks free from marijuana an everyday is a struggle to say no. i have plenty of opportunity around me to smoke and plenty of desire to match but every time i smoke i get lost in my head and i cant think clearly, not that i really can sober anyway but still… its difficult to not be high.

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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

Thanks for sharing your concerns of being sober for marijuana. Everyone goes through a different journey. There are days that you might want to smoke. It’s okay to mess up sometimes when being sober. When you are sober, try to reward yourself that might help you be more motivated. You can ask yourself, “What hobbies or activities that I should do besides smoking weed?” I’m always here to support you no matter what situation that you are in.

Hello friend,

Thank you for sharing with us. First, I’d like to congratulate you on your progress. Making it 3-4 weeks marijuana free is an amazing accomplishment. I am proud of you for that, because, as you mentioned, it is a difficult thing to do. Do those around you know about your decision to stop smoking? I know from others that have quit that it can be helpful to have a support system that minimizes the temptation to smoke (so not smoking around you for example). Having to constantly face these opportunities and have the strength to say no is a great start. Also, are there any activities that you enjoy, that you can engage in as well, anything that can be a healthy distraction or clear your mind?

Ultimately, despite the difficulty and the challenges of quitting, you are doing well. Quitting is a journey, and each day that you stay sober, is a victory. :white_heart: