I am definitely struggling with addiction and i ca

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I am definitely struggling with addiction and i can’t for the life of me get away from it. It’s always been a problem that I’ve been destined for, but I would much rather write or at least make something of myself. I’m sick and tired of it, but I’m still on my third drink tonight and I just can’t seem to bring myself to stop.


This is not the finish line. This is a hill on your journey to a peaceful life. Being able to recognize and verbalize your struggles is an accomplishment in itself. There is rain before every rainbow.


Hi! I think writing is such a good outlet to express and get your feelings out as an alternative for turning to a drink for the same reason—this is most definitely easier said than done, but you got it! Also, I believe you are not “destined” for this; you can be destined for anything you set your mind to, such as writing. I believe in you, and I believe you can make something amazing of yourself! Keep pushing!

  • Star :slight_smile:

hey friend, thank you for opening up about your experience with alcohol addiction. it takes immense courage to recognize the problem and identifying the things you’d rather do like write. expressing yourself through written word is an incredible outlet and hobby and i wish you all the best in continuing to pursue that! you are in control of your own destiny so please know you can rewrite it at any point with the right resources and support behind you! i used to have a heavy reliance on alcohol myself so i understand fully on how frustrating and difficult it is to escape these addictions… but i believe in you to come out on top. you got this.

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Hi Friend, I am so sorry that you are in this toil and addictive situation with alcohol. I also am sorry that you feel that you have been destined to be that way? These things can be changed, changing your thoughts alone can change a persons destiny so it is possible. saying that of course it is incredibly difficult especially without help so I would encourage you to reach out to loved ones or your dr and ask about therapy to help you through this tough time, you can then choose how you want to live your life and live it in the way that you deserve to, happily. I have added a link for AA worldwide, I hope it is helpful to you. I truly wish you well friend. Lisa x

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hey there,
Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable with us. The fact that you can recognize an area of your life that you want to improve is already the first and hardest step of the process. I think writing and expressing your thoughts is an amazing idea! Dealing with an addiction is extremely difficult but it breaks my heart to hear that you think you are destined for this. You have complete control over your life and the ability to do anything you put your heart and soul into. In this case, I think it is very important to be kind to yourself and cut yourself some slack. I am very proud of you for acknowledging a problem and wanting to do something about it. Reaching out to loved ones to aid you in this process may also be a good idea. Get out there and write, my friend! We are always here to support you in any way we can.

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When I say I’ve been destined for I mean that both of my parents had this experience and I can’t seem to break the pattern for some reason.