I am exhausted

I can’t love a single day of truly happiness, there isn’t a day in my life that I’m glad.
Me: a young woman, mother, wife, a job…
But nothing makes me feel proud of myself.
My pregnancy was the most traumatic event of my life, and I still can’t get over it.
I’m alone, besides my husband and my son I have nobody to talk, I don’t have friends, I don’t have will…
I feel like I didn’t need to be alive…

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HI @Lonely.mom

Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable with us. I am so sorry to hear that you experienced a difficult pregnancy. This must have been very distressing. I want you to know we are here to support and uplift you. You deserve to be happy and live a fulfilling life. You are not alone.

I want to encourage you to try something new today. Try to go out of your comfort zone, try a new hobby, teach yourself a new skill, go to a new coffee shop, and talk to someone sitting near you. Getting a change of scenery and adding some variance to your life could really spark inspiration and may even lead you to new things you come to love. Exploring something new could lead to you meeting new people as well! Journaling is also a great outlet to express and unravel your thoughts. Spending a few minutes at the end of each day to reflect on your worries, how you can work through them, your goals, how you envision your life, and more really helped me get through some tough times.

I just want to remind you that pouring energy and love into yourself is so important! It is good and healthy to take a break and practice self-care. You are a mother. You are powerful. You are brave. You are worthy. Being a mother, and caring for your family must be stressful after what you have endured. You should be so proud of yourself for being you.

If you don’t mind me asking, have you shared these feelings and thoughts with your husband?

I want you to know that if you need to talk about anything more in detail, I am always here. Please feel free to continue writing on this thread or private message me at any time. I believe in you. Amazing things are coming your way. I hope you see the strength and resilience you have. I am sending you love and hugs <3

Welcome to heart support.
Firstly I want to say that I have not experienced pregnancy, so I know I can’t say that I know your experience. I have held the hands of friends who have had difficult pregnancies and I have seen the emotional and physical toll it has brought with it, so I want to extend my heart to you for what you have been through and I want to really honour you and what your body has been through to bring a life into the world.

What I can empathise with is the feeling of being empty and not finding happiness of feeling that not a day that has passed has felt meaningful.
You are not alone feeling this way.
And I just wanted to encourage you that it’s not anything you deserve or because you have or haven’t done anything to feel this way.

Being not okay isn’t taboo. It isn’t pleasant, but it’s not your fault.
If I’m being deadly honest with you, when it gets to this point, the only thing that feels like it helps for me is finding some decent professional support. It took some time but there is one person that I make an appointment with every now and again just so I can say “I’m at the end of it all again.” And sometimes she goes through the same things she has before, but the way she talks me through it is different and unique to the way I understand things.
I hope this can be an encouragement that there are some good professionals out there who get it.

You deserve to be listened to and feel that support.
You deserve to know that what you’re feeling isn’t because of you needing to change something or do anything different.

Your mind and body are important and it sounds like they need some rest and someone to listen and just get it.