I am grateful

Hello I’ve not been on here for a while, took the time due to go to therapy and do a lot of self work on my mental health because of the wonderful people in this group. I am a lot healthier, balanced not only mentally but emotionally as well and have been making really healthy choices. This group is amazing and truly does make a huge impact on people’s lives. Now that my life has done a 180 will definitely spend more time to give back to this community and be more helpful to people’s topics etc. God bless each and every one of you! Please remember it may not seem like it now especially when you’re in the thick of darkness but it really does get better, it just takes time, finding what works for you as far as therapy, medication etc and people that are willing to understand you. Please never give up and don’t lose hope :black_heart:


Welcome back! Glad to see you are doing better for yourself, keep it up

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Thank you so much for the warm welcome, it truly means a lot

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Anytime. Always here for support

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Congrats for your progress, @PenCapChewww - that’s truly wonderful. :heart: Thank you also for your willingness to help and use your own experience to be a supportive presence. Your love and care are very much appreciated. :heart:

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Thank you so much it means a lot :heart: I was able to help volunteer with y’all in 2018 warped tour in Virginia, between that and how people helped me previously to that. I literally held on to those things to inspire me to get better. It’s one of those things where eventually learned through therapy and prayer etc that sometimes the bad happens because God knows you’ll need it to relate to those going through something similar. Turn the pain into something positive… God Bless and keep doing what you’re doing with this amazing community it’s people like you that makes a difference in this world :heart:

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Hey @PenCapChewww, I remember you! It’s great to see you here again! I’m glad you’re doing well and looking forward to seeing you around the forums more.


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Hey, hey!!! Thank you it really means a lot for the warm welcome, I’m grateful to be lead back to here. Will see ya around! God bless!