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Belongs to: Therapist is Broken by Seether
I am not proud of myself
This is a topic from YOUTUBE. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on YouTube.
Belongs to: Therapist is Broken by Seether
I am not proud of myself
Hey there, thank you for sharing this. Everyone does things they are not proud of, it’s part of being human, we all make mistakes. Nobody judges us more harshly then we judge ourselves. When I do something that makes me feel not so proud of myself, I do try my best to forgive myself and use it as a learning experience. I don’t know what your situation is, but I am confident you will get through it. I wish you much luck on your journey my friend. Reach out to us here at Heart Support any time.
Hey there,
First off I just want to say thank you for being open with us here, we appreciate it and don’t take it for granted.
Although I do not know what exactly you are going through, I can relate to an extent here. I have made mistakes, and sometimes it’s like all I do is think about them. It’s gotten better with time and work.
Please know that things can get better, they can get easier. There are people who will listen, and there are people who care.
It’s ok to have these feelings for a time, but please know we can work through them. It takes time, but please know it is possible.
I believe in you,