I am pass done with this life i need a knew life s

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Mantra by Bring Me the Horizon
I am pass done with this life. I need a knew life somewhere else.

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I understand that, that’s something I want to do. I imagine just erasing myself from everything and starting new somewhere else, somewhere where I can restart. But I also think about how I don’t want to change, so what would the point be of moving? To find someone who cares? Or just to try and run away from my problems?

@@HeartSupport thank you. Only I am not one too hit on woman and there are a lot of cons online. I might have OCD with sharing of germs and possibly over morals when comes too letting things go at times.

@@HeartSupport Thank you, true there would be no point and yes I might after bullying gone too far let’s say I had choice too fight back so I did okay I got really upset I sort spoke about it yet it is hard too explain how my a group trying too sexually assault me my brother going too stony dean school where there was a child abuser than hearing all that in my life time might end up being a trigger to me on a very personal level. I can tell one not a lot are open or honest about their scars so I do a relationship with one woman than what I be better airing my feelings about the wrongs n the world with another than even trying too fix my issues with trust. One woman won’t care anymore than the rest of the world but their love too lie because they did it in childhood having never really grown out of it hence one asks what I think of bullies and well the importance of being accountable I think a lot of it matters.

@@HeartSupport I think when one does not talk about it or find a healthy way too talk about it openly it is only going too make the world a worse place when we are not centered on healthy relations or a way too correctly deal with the issues inside the world. What is a teenager becoming an adult with too much anger when is that conversation lost too the notation that we forget the importance of life. Ask me have I came across someone who did some that put them in coma yes it literally right next door so yes I know what issues are happening around me. I could talk about it from top too bottom.

@@HeartSupport Spend enough time around different people from different backgrounds one starts too understand a lot about life. Seen someone go down a hill throw themselves off in teen years so I get it.

@@HeartSupport In a nutshell seen people do things that did no one any good.

@@HeartSupport Thank you and I do think it is very important that there is a platform on air where people who have been bullied where lines are crossed for no good reason are talked about with accountable adult who look for the right outcome but I think as adults we have too stand in unity too accountability. When some says they have been assaulted or otherwise people have lied I think it is important too stand in unity too being accountable for our own conduct and focus the conversation on what is okay and what is not okay between people if we don’t stand in unity too this than those who think they have a right or are entitled or think they can bully people will always act the same. I grew up around it as we all did but we owe it too ourselves too stand against it as adult who wish to see a better world. Your right we all are running from something in life that is true and starting over won’t fix that.

@@HeartSupport Thank you.