I am sorry if i dissapointed you

Hi everyone.
TW: suicideal ideation, depression
This thing I am going to be talking about here is… hard to talk about and hard to admit. So be warned that this is going to be heavy…

Tomorrow I will be going to my fourth therapy session. I have been thinkining about quitting tharapy because it feels like it is not bringing me anything and it takes me in a direction where I dont want to go. And lately I realized why that is. When I first talked to my therapist I told her about my depression, my suicide attempts, my family problems and I told her that the reason I went to seek out help in therapy was to not get suicidal again… That was a lie. It is that thing you say because it is expected of you to say it. It is expected of you to not want to die. The truth is… I dont think therapy works for me because I do want to die.

I asked myself why i wanted to go to therapy if not to get help from my suicidal thoughts. I think there are several ansvers to that. First I wanted to be heard. I wanted somebody listen to what I have to say. I wanted somebody so see me for who I am… I try to be nice. I try to help people but there is darkness in me… it is that side of me that I dont want to show people because I am afraid they would hate me, fear me or resent me. Another reason was that… I wanted to be proven right or wrong about the way I feel about life.

I was also curious. That was another reason. The biggest problem I have with therapy is that… I dont want to be alive but I do things to be alive even tho it is the opposite of what I want. Sometimes I just want to shout: People around me want me to be alive I dont: So why should I make the effort to be happy, to be less depressed, to be less suicidal when I dont even want to… The answer is simple. Because you dont want to hurt them and you dont want to act like a bad person. The problem is… it gets tireing.

I feel my sence of good and bad deminishing day by day. The more I walk towards the goal of being alive the more I want to die. The more I seek to be less depressed the more depressed I become. the problem with living for others because you love them is that you will start to hate them because they love you and you dont love yourself. The worst think about it is caring. Caring about oneself, caring about the clenliness of the space you live in, your future, your job, your carrier. People assume you care. I dont. I pretend I care about my future, my job, and other things. I see myself dying in the future by my own hand and I dont see it as a problem.

I try to help people here because I hate to see poeple suffer. I dont want you to suffer i want you to be happy. And I do my best to make you less unhappy. I am so sorry for dissapointing you. I hope you dont hate me. I want to feel heard and loved but I feel like if people knew the real me they would hate me and maybe you do. There are plenty of reasons to hate me. To end all this… I am sorry if I dissapointed you all. I dont blame you if you hate me after this.


we DO not hate you. I don’t hate you.

I wish you could be free of this deep pain you’re feeling. You’re not a disappointment to us.

I wish you could see how amazing you are, and that you don’t need to help us for us to love you.

We love you just for being you, for existing, not for the things you do or pretend to do for our benefit.

You’re amazing just as you are and I wish we could all banish the pain from you and make you happy and peaceful.


Hey friend.

You are not disappointing anyone. I know we’ve talked about this, but I really don’t want you to feel pressured by any of our expectations here. You know, the reason we lift each other up in this community is because we just want the best for one another. I want you to give yourself a chance to get the help you need, that’s for sure. Simply because I want you to feel better in this life. But it really shouldn’t be a pressure on your shoulders. The wish for you to embrace your life fully only comes from a place of love and care. It is not an order or an unfair expectation to pressure you. Learning how to get where we’d like to be in life is a process. It raises a lot of questions, a lot of mixed thoughts and feelings, a lot of contradictions too. The very fact that you are in this position right now and somehow, acknowledge this, is somehow part of this process. You are learning to figure out what is for your or not. The only thing that I want to keep encouraging you to do, is to not let the voice of your depression convincing you of things that wouldn’t define you.

I wanted somebody so see me for who I am… I try to be nice. I try to help people but there is darkness in me… it is that side of me that I dont want to show people because I am afraid they would hate me, fear me or resent me.

So far, how has it been on that matter? Have you been able to disclose at least some little things that you were afraid of showing? It’s okay if not. I’m just asking to understand more where you’re at on this therapeutic process.

I wanted to be proven right or wrong about the way I feel about life.

There is a paradox with this, which is that being proven something right or wrong comes actually through experiences and perseverance, because there are also a lot of things at play in life that we cannot control.

There is also a question that remains: if someone proves your right, would you jump no the conclusion:" that’s it!" and give up on yourself? On the opposite, if someone proved you wrong, would you actually see it as such? I have in mind these times when you have said that this community here has contradicted how you have perceived life/the world for a long time. That there was something better/more healing at play here. How much does that count in your mind?

When we are depressed and we wait for others to prove our point (or not), we are likely to have a distorted perception of the outcomes. On one hand, we’re going to dismiss the importance of what proves us wrong. On the other hand, we could jump too quickly on any little overview of something that would prove us right. I think that, in therapy as well, it is important to keep in mind that this filter is at play. The cards we’ve been given broke some kind of balance in the way we perceive the world around us. The good seems invisible or so little, and the bad omnipresent and overwhelming. I’m not saying that each are not real objectively. But the way we perceive it has to be considered in the context of our own life, emotions and mindset.

So why should I make the effort to be happy, to be less depressed, to be less suicidal when I dont even want to…

Do you believe, even in just 1% of your heart, that there is something else to this life? Something that is actually worth it and has also been part of making you survive during your darkest times? I hear you and understand the weight of living for others and to not hurt them. There are times when I have been there, when I reminded myself how hurtful it is to grieve the loss of someone, and that even though I don’t love myself it would be unfair to condemn the love that others could have for me. It is a mix of both a strength and a curse. Because until we learn to live for ourselves, we feel somehow tied and, as you said, it can make resentment grow too.

Caring about oneself, caring about the clenliness of the space you live in, your future, your job, your carrier. People assume you care. I dont.

I think you care. Maybe not about your job, your carrier or things like that. But you really care about the idea of goodness in this world. You care A LOT. To the point that it also overwhelms you as it also makes you deeply aware of all the wrong things happening too. I think this deep sense of justice within you is something that drives you deeply, and part of healing for you could also mean learning to 1/ handle the emotions it create, and 2/ turn it into something in your life that would create a purpose for what you do. I think there is actually something very powerful there that makes your spirit absolutely unique, but it can be pretty intense and have yet to be handled differently over time.

I want to feel heard and loved but I feel like if people knew the real me they would hate me and maybe you do. There are plenty of reasons to hate me. To end all this… I am sorry if I dissapointed you all. I dont blame you if you hate me after this.

I care about you. I love you, friend. I want you to be happy too. And not only happy, but finding meaning in your heart so you could feel driven by something else than self-destruction and numbness.

I still believe in you. Nothing will ever change that. As for therapy, you are learning to figure out why you go there, what are your expectations and needs, what is for you or not. It’s okay if figuring out these things take time. And I hope that the question that follows won’t come off as rude or anything like that, but I’d like to ask: if you don’t care, then what do you have to lose in persevering through therapy? And if not with them, with someone else.

PS - Sorry if words are missing and if there’s a lot of typos. I’ve been trying to make it through the brain fog.

Love you, friend.


Dear @Ashwell

You are NOT alone in this… much of what you said is how I have always felt most of my life. It’s true, I’m alive not because I want to be, it’s because I don’t want to devastate my family. I’m glad that no one can see my thoughts, because I would probably be in an asylum. I see you.

You have only been to therapy a few times, right? In my opinion, it’s too soon to give up. Therapy takes work and sometimes it take awhile for it to “work”. The whole idea is to help you think a different way and that puts us out of our comfort zone, but that’s the point.

I want you to live Ashwell.

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Thank you Micro.
I am sorry. I am sorry. I am tired and I dissociate quite a lot lately. I am sorry.

I have not had the chance to tell my therapist. The only person I told about the way I feel is you. There was a time when I went through my first big depressive episode that lead me to take antidepressants when I told about the way I feel to my dad. I was depressed beyond believe at that point. I was failing school and I wanted to die. He asked what was going on and I told him. I told him about the way I felt and about the fact that I wanted to die. Every part of mymind was telling me that they wount understand and that they would hate me if i tell them but there was this small part that kept telling me that he loves me and that he will help me. He did not tried to helphe gor mad at me and said that I was ungreatful and that they try and I do nothing and that i was selfish. Most people dont remember the moment when they wanted to die the most. The moment when if they had the means and the energy they would kill themeselves without I second thought. I do. It was this moment. The moment when all of those dark thoughts became reality and the light was extinguished. Since then I hardly ever talk about the way I truly feel.

Yes. there si a part of me that wants to live… I feel like I live in between two worlds. Life and death and holding onto both and not letting go. But life keeps giving me reasons to let go while death keeps giving me reasons to hold on.

You may be right. I used to care a lot and caring hurts. I am becoming numb more and more because of the pain caring brings me. It hurts to care and it hurts to pretend to care even more. I am too tired to care about a lot of things it is exhausting.

:sob: Thank you so much for this. I hope you are happy and amazing and have a wonderful life Micro.

I dont want to quit right now but i think I will need to talk to my therapist about some things. i was thinking about quitting because therapy is exhausting and It felt like me working towards something I did not want.


I’m glad you’re still fighting, I know it’s hard, and it feels like it’s going to take forever, but it’s just a matter of finding out exactly what is wrong and how to fix it. Do not be disspointed in yourself, or think anyone is disspointed in you. You’re very clearly trying your absolute very fucking best and that absolutely fucking lovely.

Has your therapist proven to not be a good one? Or are you afraid to open up. It’s really completley normal to not open up the first like, several 100 times. It’s only the 3rd session, so don’t be so hard on yourself.

Question, you say you want to be heard and seen for who you are. And I’m guessing ofc you want that irl, but is there something else you want? Something you think is missing or needs to go in order for you to get better? Anything that you would change? If it’s not therapy, is there anything that may help you be happier? Also know that there are many different types of therapy out there. If therapy isn’t for you though that’s okay too, we all have our own way of healing.

You say that there is a darkness in you, but as I have not seen that or know what it could be yet, I do know the above, as well as you, because you’ve stated it. You don’t try, you are. And even if we do have a little demon voice in our head, we can choose to vanquish it. It has no direct control over us it we don’t let it. But, from stating the above, sympathy and helping others doesn’t seem very dark does it? In every previous topic you’ve made, you have been very genuine in every feeling you have described.

You want to be proven right or wrong about life, well, life can be alot of suffering, and sometimes you may not know why you’re here, but when you find something you enjoy, or someone you like, and you feel alive, that’s life.
We may live in a world where that option may be less and less possible, but it doesn’t meant it’s impossible. We still have the chance to see beautiful things or be happy about the littlest experiences. We also have the ability to bring things to life, others to share that life with, and create amazing things. We can picture a nice world to go to to get away for a bit sometimes. We can literally create stories in our head if we are bored. It’s not exactly proof that you need, but it’s another way of looking at it.

You don’t want to be alive, but you’re still pushing. You’re still fighting. You’re still trying. And that is very fucking strong of you. You are going through so fucking much and you are still here! To me that’s something to be proud of. I know you don’t want it. I know. And I know what it feels like when you start hating people who want you to live. But look at how much you’ve done! You’re trying so hard and we want to see you get better.
And maybe here some of us can’t reply as often, sometimes topics are triggering for me at times, and others can be busy, but that does not mean anyone will stop beleiving in you. We here all see the amazing good in you that you may not want to acknowledge, but it doesn’t change the fact that it exists, and is pretty much huge proof to loving yourself.

We don’t want you to suffer either, whether the real you is what you perceive, or what you keep inside, your emotions and love towards people is what proves you are amazing and worth every minute of people’s time!

You are loved, you are cherished, and you have a whole team cheering you on ^~^




There is no need to apologize. Nothing bad happened. It is okay to talk about how you feel. :hrtlegolove:

I was depressed beyond believe at that point. I was failing school and I wanted to die. He asked what was going on and I told him. I told him about the way I felt and about the fact that I wanted to die.

It was very brave of you to reach out to him. It breaks my heart to see how he reacted though. You expected him to welcome you with open arms, care and understanding, while somehow he completely dismissed how you were feeling and guilted you.

Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t know how to react when it comes to mental health and depression. They are helpless because they are not equipped emotionally. For a lot of people it’s a matter of willingness while it’s not. There is a big difference between feeling depressed and depression. The quality of our relationships already can also really affect ones reaction. I don’t know how it was with your dad at the time, but the way he perceived your struggles was harsh, unfair, and show how unaware he was of that kind of experience.

Years after and despite the pain, I hope you know that the issue was not and is still not you. It is just that not everyone is meant to be able to listen and understand. Our struggles are real and valid. But somehow the people closest to us in our life are not necessarily the ones who are able to support us. It was not your fault. You couldn’t know before actually reaching out. What you have done that day was actually very courageous, and I’m so proud of you for not letting this experience from stopping you to reach out at all. Look at you today! Sharing here, talking to a therapist. That’s how you are building resilience my friend and reinvesting your right to speak.

I have not had the chance to tell my therapist. The only person I told about the way I feel is you.

Thank you for your trust. Really. As for your therapist, you have all the time you need to get there, okay? Safety and trust is something you will learn to approach at your own pace. It’s a little bit like testing the temperature of water in front of you and making sure your body gets used to it progressively. You don’t jump in and immerse yourself entirely to check! You try with a finger, then a hand, then you go in there progressively. It’s often the same with therapy. At first I didn’t talk about childhood abuse for example, because it’s been part of the things that are just deep in me and that I don’t associate with the idea of sharing with someone in front of me. Then I mentioned it with other words here and there. Until a day when I mentioned it vaguely and my therapist asked me examples of what happened. Which I shared a little bit, in a way that was very cold/insensitive. With time I have learned to really call that abuse and express how I feel about it. But in conclusion, it didn’t happen instantly that’s for sure, and there are still a lot of things for me to unfold there in the future.

I am too tired to care about a lot of things it is exhausting.

I guess it is the paradox of caring too much, and you’ve described it so well. And when I say “too much”, I don’t mean it as if it was inappropriate. Personally, I think having a real sensitivity is a great human quality. But it can become overwhelming and “too much” as it affects us too much.

Have you ever heard about the concept of “compassion fatigue”? I think it might be interesting for you to get some resources about it. It gives a lot of interesting insights regarding the benefits and power of empathy, but also how it can become destructive if not handled properly. You can see it as some kind of muscle to train. Compassion fatigue is something very common among healthcare and social workers because of the situations they are meant to see on a daily basis. There is a balance to find between using our empathy and creating an emotional distance that protects us too from feeling helpless and, by extension, hopeless. I can tell that I personally often go through a cycle made of that type of fatigue. I’m still not good at acknowledging that before it happens, but I’m getting better at it, and I accept more easily to do what is necessary to recharge and create more peace in me. I know you can learn that too, progressively.

I dont want to quit right now but i think I will need to talk to my therapist about some things. i was thinking about quitting because therapy is exhausting and It felt like me working towards something I did not want.

What do you think about making a list of thoughts/things you’d like to talk about with them? I think you’ve mentioned several things that are very interesting to talk about, like your initial expectations regarding therapy, the fact that you are afraid of people knowing the “real” you (or at least, the perception you have of yourself), this feeling of not knowing how to live for yourself/of being in two worlds at the same time, this interaction with your dad, the fact that you are tired and dissociate a lot lately, the fact that you’ve been wondering if therapy is for you or not. Each of these elements can be discussed in-depth with your therapist, at your own pace. And given how the conversations generally go, it would certainly also give you other food for thoughts.

There is something unfair and brutal with the process of therapy because it’s really exhausting. For me, even when we didn’t talk about things that were heavy, I was still really really tired afterwards, which brought me to claim that day the “therapy day” - meaning I would mostly sleep and do nothing difficult the rest of the day. Make sure to rest as well after a meeting. Going there is an effort that we can underestimate sometimes.

I’m proud of you, @Ashwell. I believe in you and your willingness to give yourself a chance. Make sure to take care of yourself through it all. Really. Therapy can be draining, especially at the beginning because it’s all new, there’s a shock when we are confronted to something we’re not used to. Kind of an explosion of thoughts, questions and emotions. Little by little, you will learn to pick one thing at a time and organize them more clearly, both in your heart and in your life.

Also, this might be a good sign:

It felt like me working towards something I did not want.

because after being used to numbness and suicidal thoughts as being deeply part of your life, what you don’t want might be what you need. Not saying that’s necessarily the case - it’s so important to be aware of not being with a therapist who would make you feel unsafe or uncomfortable! But when we’ve been depressed for a long time, our comfort zone really changes. Darkness tends to be where we feel whole, where we feel ourselves. What refers to life, learning to live and to keep moving on can feel absolutely wrong. When you feel this tension within you between these “two worlds”, I want to encourage you to remind yourself that you have not crossed the door of your therapist by mistake. You may not be able to put words precisely on the reasons that brought you there yet, or the reasons may seem contradictory, but there is a force within you that drives you a certain way, and from what I see it is the opposite of an attraction for darkness.

Once again, there is a balance to find between pushing yourself out of your comfort zone in a healthy way, and also asserting your needs and rights when that is necessary. Given the fact that this is something new to experience in itself, you are going to learn to identify how it works for you and in your present context.

For example, at first on therapy I thought I needed someone who would give me some kind of homework/exercises. When I realized that the therapist I’ve chosen was not doing that at all, I was upset and wondered if I should quit. But then I realized that I was actually very talkative during our meetings and I needed someone who listen. What I wanted at first was what has been giving me a false security for my entire life: being given directions to take, having someone to decide and think for me because I don’t trust myself enough, I don’t know what are my needs and I don’t think I’m capable of anything mostly. If my first therapist had gave me homework to do, I wouldn’t have progressed the same way. I actually needed the challenging space of talking, because I needed to learn to use my voice, to talk about my feelings and things I was afraid to share, so I could actually see that nothing wrong happened. No judgment. No rejection. Nothing. Only a neutral conversation. It is through therapy that I’ve slowly learned to identify my needs more and more, and to deconstrust the idea that I had of it at first.

I’m sorry for the long post. I know these can be draining to read, so I hope you take all the time you need.

You’re loved. :hrtlegolove:


Hi Micro,
I hope you are doing good. :slightly_smiling_face: I am going to therapy today. I will make an update on how that went.

Well I did not exactly reached out to him. He confronted me about the way I was behaving and my bad marks.

It felt like it at the time and sometimes it is hard to distinguish what is me and what is my depression. It has been a part of me for so long. Sometimes it feels like if depression got taken out of me there would be little left of me.

I will definitely look into it.Thank you for sharing this with me. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes it is. And I am very busy on monday so I don’t have much time to rest.

Yes a lot of the time it feels like that.

No worries. I am glad you took the time to write it. :slightly_smiling_face:
Thank you Micro


I hope the meeting went well, @Ashwell. You are in my thoughts. Love you friend. Super proud of you too. :hrtlegolove:


Hi Micro. :slightly_smiling_face:
It was actually good. We have talked about where I want to go with the therapy meetings and what do i want to focus on. We also touched on some personal stuff.

Thank you for asking. :slightly_smiling_face: You were in my thoughts too. I know you had a bad day yesterday and I am sorry for that. But things will get better soon. We are here for you when you need us Micro. Remember that. We care about you. :wink:


Hey Ash, there is nothing you could do that would disappoint us, not only do we all care for you very very much but we also have our own foibles that we believe would make others look down on us when indeed they would just look over and say “oh you too?” Not that you are not unique of course, you are one of a kind, a lot of the people I have been lucky enough to meet here are and thsts a blessing but not being perfect isnt however it’s far removed from being disappointing. I’m quoting the heart support line again but I have to because it’s TRUE. You are loved Ash, you are worthy, more so than you realise and I think you are so very special. :heart::heart:


Thank you Lisaw1973 for you kind words and your support. I appretiate it very much. :upside_down_face:

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