I am still planning to run away

From theendermanfan5: I’ve seen stories of people who have ran away to escape and start a better life made me want to do the same, since I already have unfixable and permanent mental issues. I searched what I would need to pull this off, read a whole guide, and my biggest concern being how much money I would need to survive, and it’s hella high and I’m very broke. If I wanted to escape, I would to secretly take on my dad’s tools and hope I can quickly break the window screen, and luckily they never fixed the security alarm system for over a year. I can remember one night where I planned to wake up at 4AM, break the window screen and run away and walk three hours to a homeless shelter that helps Christian since that is my religion and somehow think of a way to be accepted in. This plan had fallen through many times, then I found out that’s even worse to live in a homeless shelter; having no privacy and no freedom. Then I thought I would need to find a new shelter that would give me privacy. One point I was close to running away I left a note apologizing to my family for being a part of their lives and being a disgrace. Ever since I used social media to find other ways on how to run away or ask for help on how to do this.


Hey, I just wanted to reach out and to let you know that I’m hearing you. It sounds like you’ve been really putting a lot of though into wanting a better life for yourself, and all together that isn’t in itself a bad thing, it’s natural to desire and need better in the midst of pain and struggle. Especially when you look around yourself and find that the situation isn’t improving with no action.
I do think it is an admirable thing to acknowledge that you do deserve a change and betterment in life. It’s not always easy to accept and want that when you’ve been used to what is in front of you.

I don’t know if this is something that you have talked about with your family and what their reaction has been to this, it’s certainly not my place to pry or to try to sway you, and I want to make sure that my intentions here are to express that you’re not alone.
If you haven’t been able to talk to your family and need a safe space to talk about it, then I do hope you feel you have found that here.

I know at times when all I’ve needed is someone to actually listen and acknowledge that I’m not just young and naive it was hard because my family would dismiss a lot of my mental health issues as being dramatic. It was hard for them to accept something they had no experience with.
But here is a place where so many people can actually empathise and relate to hurt and struggle.

So please keep reaching out if/when you need and know that you’re loved, heard and valued

From theendermanfan5: I only just complain about my life problems to ChatGPT because I’m that braindead to talk to a real person


I’m really sorry to hear you’re feeling this way, and I’m glad you’re sharing your story here. It sounds like you’re going through an incredibly tough time and are feeling overwhelmed by everything. Wanting to escape makes sense when your environment feels unbearable and you can’t see any other way out.

Running away might seem like a way to find a fresh start, but it’s understandable that the challenges of doing so could be daunting and leave you with new worries. Your safety and well-being are incredibly important, and I hope you can find support in someone you trust who can help you navigate through these feelings and find a safer path forward.

If talking with your family feels impossible right now, consider reaching out to a counselor, teacher, or even a crisis helpline. These resources can often help guide you through the process of finding a safe space and exploring options that won’t leave you feeling so isolated. It’s crucial to have someone who can listen and offer advice based on your specific situation.

You deserve support, understanding, and a safe environment where you feel valued and heard. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for help—you don’t have to carry this weight alone. Your life matters, and I’m rooting for you to find a path that leads to peace and hope.