I am struggling like crazy currently using for the

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Belongs to: Therapist gets Sober by Tool
I am struggling like crazy. Currently using for the past year after 3 years of sobriety. I listen to these reactions to torture myself I guess??:joy: I’m getting too old for this shit though


hey friend, proud of you for recognizing how you may be struggling - that’s already a huge step forward! i totally hear you on how deep these react videos hit with our own lives, they speak right to me too hahah. 3 years of sobriety is no easy accomplishment though so i applaud the energy, time, and effort you no doubt put into that milestone. sure, we hit bumps in the road but if sobriety is something you want to fight for again, i believe in you. if you’ve done it once, i sure as heck know you can do it again. this community as well as many others will be cheering you on no matter where your path takes you. you are seen and infinitely valued.

Hello! First off, being sober for 3 years is no joke, so go you!! That is a huge accomplishment! I believe that if you had the strength to be sober for 3 years in the past, that you have the strength within you to be sober again in the future. You can do whatever you set your mind to, and you have already exhibited the strength within you. Keep pushing!

  • Star :slight_smile:
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Hey friend,

Relapses are brutal - there’s no way to walk around it or to sugercoat it. I imagine using again has been a painful experience for you. Potentially bringing some kind of immediate relief, but also something that feels like hitting the nail on the coffin. When I relapsed in my own demons, it felt like I was falling into some kind of all-or-nothing type of thinking. I couldn’t stay on the recovery path, so I was just nothing again and didn’t deserve anything good. It’s hard when you’re in the belly of the beast and feel like it’s only a road downhill from there. There doesn’t seem to be any middle ground, any in-between, any nuance. It feels like being a complete failure and that the strength we’ve mustered, the hope we’ve gained, amounted to nothing.

Thankfully though, the efforts you’ve made and all the time you have spent sober are not wasted because of a relapse. These three years ARE a part of your story now. They are a testimony of your strength, of your courage, of your resilience and determination to not let this beast take over your life. You have proven to yourself and to this world of what you are capable of - and you are capable of recovery and sobriety. Sometimes on this journey we hit an event or circumstances that make us feel particularly vulnerable again, and the call for drugs, alcohol or any other substance becomes more appealing. It’s human and understandable to know relapse on this journey of yours. Rest assured though that it doesn’t have to become a complete destructive road again, that you can absolutely find your way back through it and reach sobriety again. A relapse doesn’t define you and certainly doesn’t define the trajectory that your future would have.

You can overcome this, friend. I believe in you.