Staff Edit from @NateTriesAgain:
If you landed here from Google and feel worthless, you are not alone, and there is hope. You can take this self-assessment to find next steps:
Hold fast. We believe in you.
I am completely worthless. Even when I try to be something better…something I can never be. I want to be a good friend, I want to be a good girlfriend, a good daughter and a good sibling. I want to be dependable and relied on and such a happy and smart person but I’ll never be that. There is no point in trying hard for others , I guess it just felt good to pretend I could be something better. But I know that’s not true now.
I’ve contemplated suicide for a while now, and I always look at myself in the mirror with the pills, and I eventually chicken out and fall to the floor crying my eyes out. Shaking whiles rocking back and forth holding myself whilst thinking “you’re f***ing pathetic” to myself.
Looking at my phone every night and not having anyone is the worst feeling you could have. I try so hard to be there for people and to interact with them, but I’m completely not treated fairly being ignored, shut out, etc etc.
People say “why are you with these people then?”. They’re all I have.
Why do I feel so alone and stupid? Why am I such a spaz that drives people away?? Why am I just such a waste of life! God would be so disappointed in seeing what I turned out like.
A miserable, depressed, pathetic and desperate person who tries her hardest but gets thrown back into the shadows of loneliness and I even get called annoying for trying so hard .
What is the point anymore. Admittedly I’ve been researching new methods of suicide, such as sleep insomnia pill overdose, suffocation, and even possessing a gun.
Yes I know, I’m crazy now. But maybe this is the one selfless thing I’m doing for myself besides cutting.