I attempted suicide in july of 2017 i been sufferi

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Hot To Be Me by Ren Ft Chinchilla
I attempted suicide in July of 2017. I been suffering a hemorrhagic stroke March 20th of 2023. I have suffered greatly from a myriad of issues all of my life essentially and I just wanted you to know that you have. You were part of getting me up and starting my life again. You inspired me to want to share my story. I’ve started a book and a way in the process of doing something on YouTube or a documentary. Probably both but you Taylor specifically this group’s. Incredible! You specifically struck such a cord with me and reminded me of some way who is smart and beautiful and passionate about many things. I also started my college career on a vocal music performance scholarship. So music is always held a to your place in my heart. I want to thank you for reminding me of my Muse when I was in my late teens and early twenties. When and the line in this song have I lost the Midas touch? My life was golden. We had everything we wanted and didn’t know what to do with what else we had left over and I threw it all away because of alcohol and mental health. Other many very end of issues. That stroke was my wake up. I have no desire for alcohol anymore. I have a new understanding and perspective of life and so I had lost them. Eyes touch but the biggest mistake I could ever have made has been successful in July of 2017 and not had and please understand what I’m saying. Not had the blessing of having nearly died and been in and spent somewhere between 2 weeks and a month not fully back. I was hallucinating living essentially to realities that kind of coincided for a while but that is all getting better and I’m healing quickly and and you were part of my initial inspiration to get out of bed and go to what I needed to do with this new lease on life. Thank you. I hope that I don’t know. I don’t do this very often. I hope that somehow my contact information is attached

Not a support topic, user sharing about their healing journey @Listening2Day