I beg to be taken away every hr of every day

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Belongs to: Therapist Fades to Black | Metallica
i beg to be taken away every hr of every day

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My friend, I’m really sorry that life has been so heavy on you lately. That feeling of wanting to escape, of feeling this way every hour of every day and to wish to just get away from it all is incredibly draining. It’s like your mind is always racing, your emotions are always on edge, and there’s no safe place to find relief. Life feels like pain as a whole, making you feel like you’re just going through the motions without really living. It’s like being stuck in a storm that never ends, and you’re just hoping for a moment of calm, a chance to breathe. But until then it feels like there is no escape, which is suffocating.

I imagine how much strength it takes for you just to get through each day with these thoughts constantly on your mind. Through my own story, I relate to feeling overwhelmed and wanting to escape, of internally begging for a relief, for not feeling anything at all. To quote a lyrics from a PWD song: "you never know There have been times in my life when it all just seemed like too much, and I couldn’t see a way out. It’s a heavy, suffocating feeling, and it can be really hard to find any kind of light when you’re in that dark place.

It must take so much strength from you each day to deal with these thoughts and this heaviness on your shoulders. I’m so very p roud of you for being here, for speaking up, for not giving up on yourself. For still trying and not letting this pain defeat you. You matter so very much my friend. Your voice deserves to be heard. You deserve to feel supported. You are not alone. :heart: