I can feel all the pain of this song from a voice

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn
I can feel all the pain of this song from a voice ao powerfull than Davis’ voice. I had a similar experience since I was a child with and teenager who used to tell me that “if a don’t do what he wants I’ll never have friends at all”. I was 8yold, he was 16.

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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

Your post resonated me a lot. When I was growing up, I was kind of people-pleaser. I felt if I didn’t what someone told me to do I feel lonely. Being a child & teenager is hard because we are young and have no idea how to set boundaries. We always have to listen to adult due to cultural norms. An adult to have some wisdom that we need to learn for as a role model.

I learned that people are older than me are kind of not the smart in certain situations. There are older adults that ask me for help for life advice.This year I told myself to not be a people-pleaser and set boundaries. You can’t let people pushed something that you feel uncomfortable. Your happiness is more important than others. As Taylor Swift mentioned on her “Shake it Up” that “Haters always gonna hate.” If people don’t like you, it’s their problem but not you. Everyone had different interests and opinions. People need to remember that often.

I’m so sorry that you’ve been through this, friend. No one should ever be subjected to that type of manipulation. It was absolutely not your fault and I hope you can hold on to this truth now. They knew what they were doing and you couldn’t know on your end that people could have such wrong intention, especially at such a young age. You were just a child and because of their age they had some natural authority over you too. You only did what you could to survive and in face of danger.

This person was manipulating you to abuse you and took advantage of your age and innocence. When we are so little, having friends, being loved and feeling safe is almost everything. The perspective of having this being potentially removed away from your life must have created so much fear, and it’s not a type of fear you should have ever experienced. You wanted to feel loved, to feel like belonging, to not feel alone and that is absolutely understandable. Somehow, this was a threat sent to you, and the message that came with it was that you had no choice but to follow his orders in order to survive.

I was sexually molested as well and experienced this type of fear when I was little. Being left with the illusion of a choice: having to suffer and endure in order to not be hurt even more - could it be physically, emotionally or socially. I was told that I would be separated from my siblings if I talked, and that was enough to surrender to what the abuser wanted. The perspective of loss and loneliness was so present that it felt somehow safer to be hurt silently. Losing them was impossible to think about, so I entered on survival mode.

It’s awful that children are confronted to this, and I hope Korn’s music can be an anchor to you when you might feel alone with these memories and pain. Rest assured that you also have friends right here, standing by your side.