I can fully relate to this song minus the asking s

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Save Me by Jelly Roll
I can fully relate to this song, minus the asking someone to save me. I loathe myself and think my addiction, depression, and anxiety is what I deserve for things I’ve done in my past. I honestly can’t see a world where I don’t feel this way and don’t keep abusing myself :cry:


:broken_heart: I agree withwhat you said, “I honestly can’t see a world where I don’t feel this way and don’t keep abusing myself :cry:” But, maybe if we can think of a baby step toward feeling better, we can get there together. I just thought of something I did wrong in my life and then said I forgive myself for that. When the thought comes back again, I will try to remember to do it again. If we can leave the past behind, there is hope for us in the very near future. My heart goes out to you. :revolving_hearts: