I can't keep up

Dishwashers ought to save money over filling up the sink and rinsing however many times. As for the chime, can it be turned off?

Otherwise, it sounds like you’re making progress!

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The alert is set to buzz the cell phones. I’m doing that many loads of dishes that the water is costing a bit more than just doing what the household has been eating off of

@SheetMetalHead thank you for reading through my journey

I have something funny to add to this thread :rofl: at work I finished my food. As I was walking to the bathroom with 2 of the plastic containers from our household, I walked by the trash can…my arm accidentally just flung them into the trash​:rofl::rofl:
I definitely was not taking them out :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:
I guess that’s 4 less things to wash​:smile::smile::smile:

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This morning got interesting. Roommates are mad about me pulling all the dishes out of the cabinet to use the sanitize cycle on the dishwasher. So they are thinking about pulling everything out of the cabinets and making me handwash them ???
They made no sense
Also no matter where I go, I cant escape violence.:sob: grew up with my parents hitting me. then I moved in with a coworker and a old man renting from her put his hands on me. then I moved in with a married friend, she never hit me but they would get into actual fights. Now this place. Full grown adults are threatening to hurt me, I thought after I turned 21 people would realize they can’t do this :frowning: I guess I was wrong :weary:

Hi @
I’m sorry you’re having difficulties with the people you live with. It is unfair of them to expect you to “keep up” you can only do so much and should be up to you what you do and what gets done.
I don’t see the problem with you doing the sanitise cycle and then the dishes go back in to be washed, I don’t know. why they feel the need to make you hand wash everything, they can do it if they want that done.
I am sorry you have been around a lot of violence, and physically been affected by it. Nobody has the right to threaten to or hurt you. Do you feel safe there?

I’m always on guard. I grew up not safe, so I know things can change in a heartbeat.
They believe that the murky water cleaned the dishes and I shouldn’t need to sanitize them in the dishwasher. They kept putting the dirty dishes in the cabinet so I’m slowly rewashing everything, dishes, cabinets, Doors, all of it. They are claiming that they are going to make me hand dirty everything again and put it in the cabinet. Then collectively agree not to get foam or paper throw away stuff I would choose to use instead.

I’m sorry about your dishwasher breaking down. I hope you get a new one.

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We were able to get another dishwasher about a month ago. I’ve been trying to catch up but every time I turn around, roommates are mixing more dirty items with those that are clean. I’m about to give up, as soon as I get clean plates I can eat off of. I’m just going to wash the biggest cabinet and then call it done. But I’m so over their filth! Moving is not a option due too budget and Corona

All my progress has been undone. I don’t want to eat off dirty stuff, but its pointless to continue.

I was wanting everything done by Halloween, but I don’t even think I can have everything done by the end of the year even :cry:

I started recleaning everything and now I’m back to I think only 1 major cabinet and all the other ones we don’t use often. Hopefully we can clean the entire fridge out before the new year and have a clean start

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